and I am pretty sure that what’s her name too is FOS, JenniferNagel.
I am NOT dreaming and nobody else is.
Why would the perception of bees or ants be
the same for all then?
Why would we all see and hear the same thing more or
Nah sadly we are not dreaming and we are not a computer
program and we are not eternal.
We are just a strange product of hazards:
Cruel, entropic, and weird.
Same fate for almost all of us except maybe a lucky lobster
but even he will meets his end one day when the planet boils of freezes
whichever comes first.
We are NOT in a strange matrix even though the idea IS
entertaining somewhat like any form of utopia or dystopia or anytopia you’d
We are here. We are now. And we are very temporary.
What kind of computer would program mass hysteria and
religious madness and wars and shit and diseases and famine anyway?
What would this universe be now? A cheap novel?
Only WE can do that.
I know the difference most of the time when I dream so far
as I can tell myself to wake up when shit gets too weird. But there is no waking up from reality for most
of us. LSD would help but then again LSD
is not reality now is it?
We are a hazardous soup and if we were a computer program
well the RNG developer would be some special sick fuck, a master shithead.
Epistemology is definitely warped though I will give you
Too many things we don’t know and worse even
Too many things we think we know.
It just can’t be.
Seven billion cow-batteries living the dream? Come on!
It is as it is and it is very sad indeed that this is the
best evolution can do.
If you ask me it is a rather stupid and bloody slow process.
Not caring whatsoever for the individual and what am I if
not an individual?
Even if I was a bloody bee or whatever else.
“Even a brick
wants to be something.
A brick wants to be something.
It aspires.
Even a common, ordinary brick... wants to be something more than it is.
It wants to be something better than it is.” ― Louis Kahn
P.S. FOS for those not used to my blog stands for
Full of Shit! :)
Full of Shit! :)