Guy Dumps Girlfriend for Calling His Relationship With His Brother "Disgusting"... But Was He in the Wrong?
Judgement and Blame and Outrage
and what not
has been around forever but in this nanoseconds speed of "communication"
it is more ridiculous than ever.
Was he wrong? Was he right?
What do you think?
Who fucking cares?
Shame, Blame, Guilt
all BUILT by humans constructs
on a sinking sand ground named Morality.
it is a "sin" and a source of guilt for a Catholic to miss a mass
it is a "sin" and a source of guilt for a Protestant to go to a Catholic mass.
It just seems to me that
the less educated
the more foaming at the mouth there is;
the less one is aware of his SHADOW,
his beast within,
the more in denial they are
the louder they growl.
It's never surprising the the "guiltier" one is (here is that word again)
the louder and more aggressive they are
i.e. Jimmy Swaggart
and every episode of Mystery Diners.
The world is led by LCD indeed.
And no it is not
Liquid Crystal Display but rather the
Lowest Common Denominator.
As George Carlin would say:
“Think of how stupid the average person is,
and realise half of them are stupider than that.”
Schadenfreude has grown exponentially lately.
Establishing one's value by shitting on others and mocking and shaming them seems to me a poor Freudian Defence Mechanism of Projection.
In a world of SEVEN BILLION people spending time finding the rotten apples seems to be such a waste of time.
Maybe I am the psychotic one not caring one bit about what fake or not fake clickbait did or did not do or allegedly did.
Enough philosophising for today as it is time to start the day at 2PM lol things to do other than gaming for a change.
As I am growing older I like more and more André Fortin's line:
Y'a pas de coupable, Y'a pas de honte.
There is no guilty one, there is no shame.
Even though analysed deeply it would leave something to be desired for sure but from the viewpoint of a dying man it made sense to me.
There is something paradoxical and oxymoronic here
with the emphasis on moronic
in this whole exercise.
Me judging people for judging people
sounds well a bit arrogant if not ignorant.
But I think it is human nature to worry about trends or at least for me to try to swim against the tide.
I don't like the tide.
K for real now nuff said :)
to show on
to show to
to manifest
come suddenly into play
I have often expressed
a thirst for truth
and knowledge
a cure for the human blindness we all have.
There is always a
"there's gotta be more to..."
inside of me.
This epiphany however is obviously beyond
way beyond
what we call intelligence on this planet.
Plus what good would it do?
A it is more likely to get me killed
or ignored
than to change the world as it is.
So in a way it is a little hubristic and selfish to know just for the sake of knowledge and the satisfaction that comes with it.
Tant qu'il y a de la vie il y a de l'espoir
or so they say.
A discovery of transcendental utopia on this planet is more than unlikely with the data given on human nature and simple extrapolation.
Th French wiki describes epiphany as
a manifestation of what was hidden
a bit similar to the Greek word for Truth Aletheia: a lack of concealment.
This time though the concealment is not wilful and intended
it is genetic;
it is in our DNA:
we don't know that we don't know
and more than likely we will never know.
Life won't have TIME to explain itself nor the tools or the reception to do it.
As far as life knows
it is killed or be killed,
destroy or be destroyed
in order to survive.
But no one knows.
No gods
no prophets
no politicians
no humans at all
not a single living thing really
Unless Douglas Adams' dolphins have been hiding things on us
or maybe the Siamese cats
according to Lobsang Rampa. 😜
So why keep asking and searching
one would say?
So much for ask and you shall receive
and those who thirst for righteousness
blah blah blah
But there HAS GOT to be so much more than to SERVE.
Valar morghulis translates to "all men must die"
in High Valyrian.
It is a customary saying in Essos that is traditionally answered with
"valar dohaeris," meaning "all men must serve." ...
Customs and Traditions are the beginning of all trouble.
All who say and believe that
have a hidden agenda
and usually end up as the BENEFICIARIES of such "service"
Serve your God?
Serve your country?
The question ALWAYS is
Usually not the profit of the servant.
The word freedom itself should strongly imply free of servitude.
Leadership and Benevolence are like matter and antimatter they just don't go together.
Of course we cannot be all meditating top of the mountain sitting Buddhas now
or if we were in fact the problem would solve itself as the population would go down to zero withing 100 years.
I am still reluctant though to abandon all enjoyment for the sake of Nirvana.
Until we do become ethereal beings
food and sex and rock and roll will be part of our life
suffering or not.
Can food and sex and rock and roll need to a real enlightenment now?
As far as I know nothing does since the beginning of time.
Most of it is sham and scam
or pride and retardation.
Speaking of retardation enough of mine for today
If you find the secret to life please share it with me quick before you get crucified! :)
Ciao for Now