Time and dates seems to be a recurring subject here

Time and dates seems to be a recurring subject here
AFAIAC Activism is a mental illness and Activists have major issues,
some sort of denial and projection and all sorts of twisted ways to deal with problems that are deep within themselves:
a repressed anger aimed outward instead of inward
they are like the modern Don Quixotes fighting hot air in battle they cannot win
( despite sometimes short victories that will be overrun soon enough)
The good old "Fix your own house / Clean your Own Room
before you go and fix the world or what YOU THINK is wrong with it
Every time I see one I am always reminded of the words of Ani DiFranco an ageing activist herself
Your Next Bold Move
Song by
Ani DiFranco
coming of age during the plague
of reagan and bush
watching capitalism gun down democracy
it had this funny effect on me
I guess
I am cancer
I am HIV
and I am down at the blue jesus
blue cross hospital
just lookin' up from my pillow
feeling blessed
and the mighty multinationals
have monopolized the oxygen
so it's as easy as breathing
for us all to participate
yes they're buying and selling
off shares of air
and you know it's all around you
but it's hard to point and say "there"
so you just sit on your hands
and quietly contemplate
your next bold move
the next thing you're gonna have to prove
to yourself
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable
and sell them to seagulls flying in circles
around one big right wing
yes, the left wing was broken long ago
by the slingshot of cointelpro
and now it's so hard to have faith in
especially your next bold move
or the next thing you're gonna need to prove
to yourself
you want to track each trickle
back to its source
and then scream up the faucet
'til your face is hoarse
cuz you're surrounded by a world's worth
of things you just can't excuse
but you've got the hard cough of a chain smoker
and you're at the arctic circle playing strip poker
and it's getting colder and colder
everytime you lose
so go ahead
make your next bold move
tell us
what's the next thing you're gonna have to prove
to yourself
I mean I just saw a 7 year old called a conservationist activist.
A bit like that Greta girl.
Talk about devious malevolent parenting now
The world praises this
and I call it Child Abuse
There is absolutely no way ever
that that left wing will ever be fixed or healed>
It is FUBAR now and forever
and the powers that be will ensure it remains so no matter how much mouthing off one does
plus the powers that be are mostly invisible to all these Don Quixotes on their high horses
So enjoy your life eat and drink and be merry for tomorrow ye shall die just like the rest of us: billions and billions
And stop playing strip poker on the Artic Circle now :|
It has been given to us the human race to dream, to imagine a 'perfect' world but NOT to create one:
This constantly haunting escaping utopia.
One of the problems, maybe the main one, IS that to begin with each one of us has a different idea of a utopia so since we can't create even one let's forget about 8 billion utopias now.
To begin with LIFE ITSELF would have to be turned upside down and recreated.
You Can't have a utopia when you need to kill something to survive would it be animals or PLANTS.
Plus if you messed with plants you also mess with a whole ecological system where an awful lot of life forms are hurt.
I love the idea Neil deGrasse Tyson once brought of a life sustained by PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
I don't think the light would mind now.
And then we gotta change completely the whole human psyche this whole Freudian Fucking Nightmare prolly starting with getting rid of Freud altogether .
It is just absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to imagine in what I have been calling forever or defective engineering.
But to some of us it has been given to dream. Some can't afford to dream as they are justly concerned about where and when their meal will come or haven't been given the basic genes to do so. Or they dream about some old superstition they have been given without asking questions.
I am almost back to my very first blog here and Jeff Bridges in the Fischer King.
You ever read any Nietzsche? Nietzsche says there's two kinds of people in the world: people who are destined for greatness like Walt Disney... and Hitler. Then there's the rest of us, he called us "the bungled and the botched." We get teased. We sometimes get close to greatness, but we never get there. We're the expendable masses. We get pushed in front of trains, take poison aspirin... get gunned down in Dairy Queens.
Not that I would consider Disney or Hitler good mind you.
I don't think there has ever been a single "GOOD" one: not Jesus, not Buddha, not anybody.
None of them have brought a permanent good change but rather the opposite : blood and violence and murderous schism.
I have expanded before on the words of Leonard Cohen in The Future
Give me Stalin and St. Paul
Give me Christ
Or give me Hiroshima
but back the the "inspiration" to all this the constant reoccurring thought wish dream of one day coming with
No wonder there is such a need in the human psyche to come up with an
because this fucking OLAM sucks big fucking time.
But our lame attempts at creating this world to come have all the shortcomings of our nature creating just another fucked up world with just another petty dictator god with ginormous issues.
So sure, I have said all this a hundred times but sometimes I feel it is the best use of time I can do...
WISHING and HOPING in vain until there is no more wish or hope or breath in my body because after all as I have said again all the bullshit we have created for millennials about words like soul and spirit mean absolutely nothing else than BREATH / AIR.
No more breath no more air in us and no more dreams no more hope no more anything. As far as we are concerned all has ceased to exist
in a strange way this world this cosmos ends with us, it ends when we're ending.
I don't think I can even imagine a proper utopia myself
I still love the idea of Huxley to eliminate all parental interference in procreating. That would problably eliminate so many serial killers and a fuckton of criminals to begin with.
And yeah there is a lot to be said about all life produced by photosynthesis.
I cringe every day at all these "cruel" videos of animals being killed and gored or just unnecessarily annoyed sometimes.
The rest would require more energy than I have at the moment but bottom line also it would probably KILL all litterature and 99% of all art since
HAPPY PEOPLE have no history and
are basically BORING AS FUCK.
Which brings me back to another utopia/dystopia I have mentioned often
A world where Eloi would live peacefully again without the Morlock but let's face it again the Eloi were also BORING AS FUCK. So the problem it seems is our need to be entertained with drama LOL
anyway try to imagine
A world with no pain whatsoever, physical or emotional
a world with no war
a world where a parent never hurts a child
where a partner/lover doesn't hurt another partner/lover
kindness and softness everywhere
what else could we add to this world without the utter boredom of playing harp on a fucking cloud surrounded by self-righteous pricks like us rejoicing in the eternal damnation and suffering of others, like I said we create our gods as petty and low life as us
back to John Lennon here with NO COUNTRIES and NO RELIGION
living life in PEACE a word we don't understand whatsoever
Anyway the one good thing about this imperfect life is that
One NEEDS an end to all this misery eventually
Over and Out for now
Dreaming is Exhausting
and it brought me back to a good old memory of sometime around the summer/autumn of 1975 ???
Bobby Fischer World Champion 1972–1975
Café En Passant
Incorporation Date 1973-09-07
Dissolution Date 1984-08-10
Address 3619 St. Denis St
I was spending a lot of time back then at a little café called appropriately En Passant
I was 17 years old, 6 months after my Dec 27th. 1973 show at the Montreal Forum: the Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Baby Tour with ZZ Top as an opening act with their brand new La Grange.
They had a very bohemian atmosphere at the café (it became a place called La Bohème later) and the oddest Jukebox ever with Mozart's 40th Symphonie and a lot of quiet French folksingers. I remember once playing Serge Lama's Je Suis Malada once too many and one of the customers spat the dummy and had a screaming fit basically screaming I am sick of a song that is called I am sick, I can't take it anymore lol Also when I could afford it I would order one of their famous Paté de Campagne which came in a huge basket loaded with scrumptious things. I was never a good enough chess player to match that crowd of ruffians but I really enjoyed the place and especially the HAVEN it provided me away from rain or harsh weather and from the hellish constant atmosphere of fear I had at home.
Anyway those were the good days kind of prolly just before my drug years. I do remember being off drugs temporarily at the Alice Cooper concert: the only straight and sober in a 20,000 crowd.
But dem sandwiches were MEMORABLE.
From time immemorial, mind you these days time immemorial could have been 10 minutes ago :P
Tempus certainly fugit as I watch this dying blog and wonder what happened AS IF I could remember any of it.
Most of my DAYS are in a DAZE.
Listening to Wild Life (Wings) as I was free associating the lyrics a lot of political nonsense / madness in the air with the zeitgeist.
(Zeitgeist of the times would be a pleonasm right?)
In 18th- and 19th-century German philosophy, a Zeitgeist[1] (German pronunciation: [ˈtsaɪtÉ¡aɪst] ⓘ; lit. 'spirit of the age'; capitalized in German) is an invisible agent, force, or daemon dominating the characteristics of a given epoch in world history.[2] The term is usually associated with Georg W. F. Hegel, contrasting with Hegel's use of Volksgeist "national spirit" and Weltgeist "world-spirit".
Since there is already an idea of time or age in the word?
Anyway not only political madness but general madness too, COSMIC EXPONENTIAL Madness never as exposed as now with so much access to social media by the hoi polloi
and much of this polloi is just plain fucking moronic:
so many cunts with a phone that think they can bank a few pennies by stealing ideas as old as Adam.
The hubris of it all is that they call themselves CREATORS FFS
The AEROPAGUS has gone fucking mad and collapsed under the humongous weight of countless moronic cunts out there.
It could not stand the light speed and exponentiality of human idiocy, infinite stupidity is scary at best, terrifying at others.
I prefer to call them CUNT TENTS CRITTERS myself
Vapid Empty Bimbos and so called Influencer
Just to call yourself an Influencer is a sign of severe mental illness if you ask me.
I am not the only kenophon on this planet for sure
A fuckton of empty sounds out there vapid brain dead babblers.
Anyway silent for so long and still have nothing to say
Someone was saying HOPE is the thing that will KILL YOU, HOPING for a better world, a smarter world, a kinder world will drive you to the abyss of madness.
The current zeitgeist though is downright scary.
I won't be here to see it and I think I should be utterly grateful for that
but my hope for mankind is non existent.
the pilot light has died.
All the power plays going on are utterly insane
Religions, Nations, and Minorities have gone foaming at the mouth crazy. We have lost all sense of directions,
Was it Hemingway that said it is nearly impossible for an intelligent person to be happy?
I wish I had a bigger understanding of the zeitgeist, a greater vision of what is going on, a greater sense of what is wrong or right whatever these words mean today
But then again a greater intelligence would just drive me over the edge.
I can see myself REGRESSING day by day like
Charlie Gordon Post Op and even at my top, even at his top, he could not solve or save anything.
Maybe because there is NOTHING to solve or save anyway.
In the end all of this will be gone and there won't be a single memory of anything remaining of our so called EVOLUTION
And what does it matter anyway to an old boomer on his way out
So hush, little baby, don't you cry.
You know your daddy's bound to die. But all my trials will soon be over.
there won't be any glory glory
just plain normal everyday OBLIVION
all of us (all life forms) will return to the same state we had before we existed and that my friends is the sad or happy TRUTH
Listening to Bernard Adamus last album and thinking
ça laisse à désirer
it leaves something to be desired
but then again creativity is HARD I mean the man kind of took a break and got sober and good on him but creativity is hard for everybody