It has been given to us the human race to dream, to imagine a 'perfect' world but NOT to create one:
This constantly haunting escaping utopia.
One of the problems, maybe the main one, IS that to begin with each one of us has a different idea of a utopia so since we can't create even one let's forget about 8 billion utopias now.
To begin with LIFE ITSELF would have to be turned upside down and recreated.
You Can't have a utopia when you need to kill something to survive would it be animals or PLANTS.
Plus if you messed with plants you also mess with a whole ecological system where an awful lot of life forms are hurt.
I love the idea Neil deGrasse Tyson once brought of a life sustained by PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
I don't think the light would mind now.
And then we gotta change completely the whole human psyche this whole Freudian Fucking Nightmare prolly starting with getting rid of Freud altogether .
It is just absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to imagine in what I have been calling forever or defective engineering.
But to some of us it has been given to dream. Some can't afford to dream as they are justly concerned about where and when their meal will come or haven't been given the basic genes to do so. Or they dream about some old superstition they have been given without asking questions.
I am almost back to my very first blog here and Jeff Bridges in the Fischer King.
You ever read any Nietzsche? Nietzsche says there's two kinds of people in the world: people who are destined for greatness like Walt Disney... and Hitler. Then there's the rest of us, he called us "the bungled and the botched." We get teased. We sometimes get close to greatness, but we never get there. We're the expendable masses. We get pushed in front of trains, take poison aspirin... get gunned down in Dairy Queens.
Not that I would consider Disney or Hitler good mind you.
I don't think there has ever been a single "GOOD" one: not Jesus, not Buddha, not anybody.
None of them have brought a permanent good change but rather the opposite : blood and violence and murderous schism.
I have expanded before on the words of Leonard Cohen in The Future
Give me Stalin and St. Paul
Give me Christ
Or give me Hiroshima
but back the the "inspiration" to all this the constant reoccurring thought wish dream of one day coming with
No wonder there is such a need in the human psyche to come up with an
because this fucking OLAM sucks big fucking time.
But our lame attempts at creating this world to come have all the shortcomings of our nature creating just another fucked up world with just another petty dictator god with ginormous issues.
So sure, I have said all this a hundred times but sometimes I feel it is the best use of time I can do...
WISHING and HOPING in vain until there is no more wish or hope or breath in my body because after all as I have said again all the bullshit we have created for millennials about words like soul and spirit mean absolutely nothing else than BREATH / AIR.
No more breath no more air in us and no more dreams no more hope no more anything. As far as we are concerned all has ceased to exist
in a strange way this world this cosmos ends with us, it ends when we're ending.
I don't think I can even imagine a proper utopia myself
I still love the idea of Huxley to eliminate all parental interference in procreating. That would problably eliminate so many serial killers and a fuckton of criminals to begin with.
And yeah there is a lot to be said about all life produced by photosynthesis.
I cringe every day at all these "cruel" videos of animals being killed and gored or just unnecessarily annoyed sometimes.
The rest would require more energy than I have at the moment but bottom line also it would probably KILL all litterature and 99% of all art since
HAPPY PEOPLE have no history and
are basically BORING AS FUCK.
Which brings me back to another utopia/dystopia I have mentioned often
A world where Eloi would live peacefully again without the Morlock but let's face it again the Eloi were also BORING AS FUCK. So the problem it seems is our need to be entertained with drama LOL
anyway try to imagine
A world with no pain whatsoever, physical or emotional
a world with no war
a world where a parent never hurts a child
where a partner/lover doesn't hurt another partner/lover
kindness and softness everywhere
what else could we add to this world without the utter boredom of playing harp on a fucking cloud surrounded by self-righteous pricks like us rejoicing in the eternal damnation and suffering of others, like I said we create our gods as petty and low life as us
back to John Lennon here with NO COUNTRIES and NO RELIGION
living life in PEACE a word we don't understand whatsoever
Anyway the one good thing about this imperfect life is that
One NEEDS an end to all this misery eventually
Over and Out for now
Dreaming is Exhausting
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