The Sin List is something to let go of... it does nothing but keep you perpetuating the guilt within you that is unjustified. Let it go... (J Carmichael, 2010)
Toutes mes conneries pis l'ambition de l'humanité Ça r'vient au même y'a pas d'coupable y'a pas de honte - André Fortin
All my stupidity/idiocies and Humankind's Ambitions Are ALL the same. There is no guilt and no shame.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that there is no sin or sin list, no guilt, no shame.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that there is no hell either and no retribution.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that there is something Eternal, something called Love.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that we are eternal and we will grow and grow in love.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that peace and wisdom will prevail somewhere somehow.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that Heaven and Paradise and Utopia EXIST!
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that the next life is and is so much better than this one.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that Order will Prevail over Chaos, Good over Evil, Truth over Lies.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that mankind one day will see the Light.
HELL I’D LIKE TO BELIEVE that one day There WILL be Perfection.
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE that this is it and this is all.
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE that we will be stupid forever until self-annihilation.
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE that people murder each other every day and every hour.
(and there are many forms of murders trust me)
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE that man will ever change as things are now.
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE in a Big Bang or Modern Science or Current Myths.
(What we need is another Big Bang preferably on our Big Head)
HELL I CAN’T BELIEVE most of what I hear and see on this planet.
HELL I BELIEVE that we are “just ordinary bastards, half right, half wrong.” (Howard Jacobson)
HELL I BELIEVE that for now we are lied to every day from the day we are born.
If you would like to believe it, then believe it. You only find what you seek.