Maybe Neil Postman was totally wrong and Orwell is really
winning over Huxley.
The land of Gitmo and repression calling China the black
kettle is getting very very good at suppressing anything it doesn’t want
published, thanks to the mega rich media kowtowing to government censorship.
Twice in two weeks now.
First we hear an awful lot of ranting and foaming at the
mouth over Jim Carrey’s new song. All
the dissing in there, you can’t miss it. Try to find what they are dissing
about now??? Almost impossible to find anywhere, totally suppressed and erased
from history by the giant whore YouTube.
(We need a new You Tube BTW, a YouTube for the people, by the people
etc, not a subservient to neocons.)
Now Strike two.
Another controversial song with thousands foaming at the
mouth maybe rightfully this time but still?
Can you find the fucking song ANYWHERE one
more time?
I think not.
This one being
Brad Paisley Accidental Racist.
My first attempt this morning at listening to “freedom” news
was a short video of a racist conversation on the train. You’d think I could
listen to the thing again eh? There is more beeps in it than whistles in a
football game and I don’t like beeps and whistles sounds.
In a FREE country you would think one could sign a fucking
waver. I am a fucking adult. I deliberately fucking choose to listen to the fucking
original. Please give me the fucking option, you fucking tyrants and dictators
out there.
All this obsession with the word FUCK and nipples in a world
that is a thousand times more horrible.
The Western world has gone to the fucking dogs with filtered
Yet, Yet, Yet pretending LOUDLY to be FREE, operation
Freedom and all that bullshit they force on mother and children with bombs and
drones and money and all.
That is the worst part: the UTTER hypocrisy and
self-delusion, the madness of the lies.
Dreading already my next flight with all the watered down
options we have in their over controlled media as if I was a fucking child and
had no option to grow up at all.
I wish they would grow some fucking balls and let the truth be.
Enough ranting for now but still people open your eyes and
see and over all DO NOT ACCEPT the present forced slavery upon us. FFS.
Here is another GREAT EXAMPLE the GIANT GOOGLE forcing the
sheep now to do filtered censored oppressed searches and the options for
freedom are getting smaller and smaller nearly impossible to find in this WWW
of deceit.
Oh what a tangled web we weaved indeed.
Ok maybe a bit décousu again but the main point is:
I, the free I. ME.ME.ME.
No one is to decide for me what is good what is allowed and what is not allowed to read or listen to
To be imposed a bullshit morality is simply outrageous.
To be deprived of facts and words and events
is just plainly repressive,
nothing short of mental slavery.
I have a feeling on the latest Paisley repression that it is the white man who is the control freak here but it doesn't matter.
Plus plus plus why flood us with all the dissing if we never had a chance to listen to the OTHER PARTY accused here?
What kind of justice is that now?
What is next? Kangaroo courts and lynching again?
Stop PRETENDING that you are the FREE world, lying to us and taking us for fools.
How many quotes on censorship do I need to make my point clear here?
POWER to the PEOPLE and down with Google and YouTube oppressive monopoly.
FB is not any better since as always money talks and bullshit walks. We need more people freedom on the web, REAL FREEDOM.
which also gives up the option of the freedom to ignore but wilfully this time.
Unlike James Blunt here I scream at the top of my voice
Give me reason AND Give me Choice
for I don't mind making the same mistakes again
That's how I fucking learn
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