Sure it got rid of the common problems many religions including Buddhism try to get rid of
i.e. our infamous appetites
by eliminating the good old eat and drink and be merry
and enjoy the woman of your life
but as I said it is just too perfect.
After all we don’t want to turn into Data here.
So future medicine and future conception out of the traditional
family unit which at best works once in a million and at worst creates
nightmarish socio-economical nightmares of all sorts.
What to do with it?
Obviously I had eugenics in mind but eugenics was kind of
solved in that viral wipe-out with just a very few ‘perfect’ new and improved
re-engineered ‘humans’.
Now we can add to this I suppose some form of painless birth
maybe in vitro even and some form of advanced stem cells printing tissues and
perfect organs to replace the ageing one while solving also a bad ageing of the
brain which is not wanted either.
So Heart, Liver, Kidneys etc CHECK!
So Heart, Liver, Kidneys etc CHECK!
Now we certainly don’t want a living Island of living clones
for replacement part because after all we are writing a utopia here not a
Another challenge here of course is not only we do not have
the semantic ability to create this realistic utopia there would be nothing to
write about it either as happy people have no history as we all know.
What could one write if there are no lies, no intrigues, no
thefts, no murders, no wars, no adulteries, no offences and no offended parties?
I understand leaving sex in the equation complicates matters
now. It complicates matters in the
animal world as well but what we are trying to imagine here is man at his very
best beyond his actual capacity.
Casual sex for the pleasure with no ambiguous false morality
or false modesty attached to it and with no strings attached as the good old
line goes? What a thought! Done somewhat in Logan's Run and Brave New World IIRC.
Like having a meal or a glass of wine with no more complications, mature and
modern and some would say liberal! J
It does get different for sure when you take reproduction
out of it. When reproduction is taken care of some other way, a more modern
way… not necessarily through the means of a very flimsy whimsical nature. It doesn't work in the animal kingdom and it
certainly does not work among humans the idea that every sperm winning is a
godly wilful act is just fucking insane.
Many will argue that there is nothing better than the love
of a parent but I totally disagree since there is nothing worst either
sometimes than the ‘love’ of an ignorant parent, the damage is irreversible and
in a perfect society not left to chance for sure.
We cannot play Russian Roulette here with human souls.
There has to be sufficient care, sufficient supplies and
sufficient everything.
One idea here would be to ‘program’ a society, a family unit
with each of them having a farmer, a carpenter, sufficient land, none of that
fiefdom ever any more. Equality for all.
In vitro reproduction even encourages equality for all.
It takes a village well let’s create a proper functional
village then.
It certainly would be nice if it was an all-involved village
with equal voices: bossing around and submission lead to nothing but trouble
Food and Sex that don’t hurt us now here is a new concept
and try to add a good dose of healthy inebriation under ‘control’? Not sure is
science will ever be big enough for that now? J
No Hunger Games, No Island, No Elyseum? Boring indeed innit?
I really have to reread Huxley. I liked him a lot back then
but today I don’t like the idea of happy Deltas or even Betas for that matter.
Something straight out of The Village? Maybe I have read too
many books and seen too many movies LOL.
There was a certain peace to be had with the acceptance of
the Hutterite style I have to say if one
could settle for this now. Of course
there were inequalities and cheating again as we can’t help being human and
wrongly engineered but in its ideal view it is a nice place, a wealthy place
Hutterite or Amish without the bullshit religion and its
boring meetings. A sense of community and sharing where everyone has plenty and
is plainly happy. Mind you I prefer the
dressing code of the Eloi! J
No one is rich beyond others; there is no politics, no
corruption, a minimal working week and plenty of well used leisure hours
preferably in an ancient community style pre-social medias.
A society of polymaths without the madness that usually
comes with it.
Some Twilight Zone indeed on the Outer Limits of our
possible current outcome.
I would like to think that Helen and Scott Nearing had a
very happy life, the good life as they call it.
They were but one couple but imagine, one couple, one
family, one village, one province, one country, one world… self-sufficient,
non-violent, and happy.
There would hardly be any need for leaders and government or
a ‘defense’ ministry or a police even.
No government, no taxes and a fair sense of bartering to meet everyone’s need. Everyone.
Obviously that would include some form of major education and definitely a good family planning foundation.
No government, no taxes and a fair sense of bartering to meet everyone’s need. Everyone.
Obviously that would include some form of major education and definitely a good family planning foundation.
Dream on Joe! Dream On!
Looking at the Eloi Feast photos I can’t help but imagine
also this future world to be fully flavoured and fully vegetarian or at least
ovo-lacto vegetarian I do not feel the need to be overzealous but just the need
to respect life and not to murder or kill
and obviously I am what you would called pro-choice considering the ovo
part! J
That would extend also to textile clothing of some sort.
obviously NO BULLIES and no need even for psychological resilience.
obviously NO BULLIES and no need even for psychological resilience.
TOTAL EQUALITY AMONG SEXES too, along with among races and since there is no creed to cling to, one problem eliminated.
Gen 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy
conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over
Gen 3:17
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy
wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt
not eat of it: cursed is the ground for
thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it
all the days of thy life;
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