article was somewhat over my head and way TL;DR but it gave a little food for
thought. To the extension that selfish
vs altruist is a bit like saying republican vs liberal also.
sure yet if Pinker is a friend or a foe and don’t know enough to tell or care
but he seemed to have some good points.
awful lot in life, politics, and religion IS “diluted by metaphorical, poetic,
fuzzy, or allusive extensions that only serve to obscure how profound the
genuine version of the mechanism really is.” The deviousness of the
human mind is bottomless.
I am
not a scientist or an erudite and would it help me if I were? But sometimes I
feel I am on the edge of the ultimate epiphany… the light bulb to light up the
whole universe and the meaning of life and would I get there one day it would
be only to discover that I got the answer to only ONE universe and that there
are a universe of universes out there.
minds are so little yet wanting to be so big and to UNDERSTAND! To understand
the beginning of understanding. Longing for wisdom and yet would not recognise
wisdom if it hit us in the face. I don’t think the human species has what it
takes to begin with.
is called Economy seems to be one of the biggest road blocks as it is often
obscured by greed and all sorts of twistedness.
The lies and the bullshit scientists have to go through to get funding
etc and also the way the funding is spent on whosoever has the power and his
pet theory.
We all
question the trillions going around in this world while half the planet is
starving lacks water education and basic needs.
only reason I would love to live forever is curiosity to SEE and HEAR what is
going on in the millennium and where humankind is going is this ongoing sci-fi
soap op.
would love to see a very logical and practical planet totally free of
superstition, ignorance and violence but I can’t foresee it in a million years.
Something bigger and better than star wars and star trek where no death stars
and photon torpedoes exist.
again a world of Eloi without the Morlocks kind of even though the drawback to
this picture is that the Eloi are not interested in knowledge and education but
then again knowledge and education and science today lead to better and bigger
weapons of mass destruction and also to endless pointless debates.
is the use of wasting time on things that would never happen one might say?
What’s the use of wasting 40 years of life to get a gold watch? What is the use
of anything? All of this will be gone, vanished, vaporise in a short time if
you consider 8 billion years a short time. Our planet being entering its middle
age kind of being 4 billion years out of a possible 12 billion. 8 billion being almost the middle age of the
universe also if we are to believe today’s knowledge of 13.82 billion years.
Maybe 13.82 billions year out of an alternate universe much older than us. Who
all that to say that time is relative and short and runs fast.
stay put anyway when I do get that epiphany you will be the first to know. J
though epiphanies are doubtful and not to be trusted especially after one falls
down from his horse and damages his temporal lobe. Two thousand years later we
are still suffering from one’s such epiphany.
write more I suppose on the extremes of life, right vs left, selfish vs
altruist but I too would become a TL;DR.
skip more waste of ones and zeros for now.
I seem to be in orbit around any epiphany, unable to land. It's like waking from a lucid dream where you can remember parts but the harder you try to piece them together, the further they slip away.