Once it starts spreading,
it can only be cured by reason.
For the sake of humanity, we must be that cure.”
~ Neil deGrasse Tyson
The fact is we may be way too ignorant to even know about ignorance,
or the depth of ignorance.
For one thing in one's mind ignorance is synonymous with Sartre's Hell.
L'ignorance c'est les autres.
One always talks about ignorant at the third person.
In fact an ignoramus or an ignoranus
(one who is ignorant AND an asshole)
is always someone else.
These two terms are almost synonymous:
Ignorant and Asshole.
Everyone who is part of a war is highly ignorant to begin with
no matter how brilliant a scientist he is.
He is the victim of high delusions, lies, and CONCEALMENT.
The first casualty of war is truth
because truth Aletheia means
What Tyson calls a VIRUS now
was called a POISON
for more than 2500 years
before the time of Christianity even
which came with its own version
of ignorance and gnosis and truth.
If one was to study the ancient meanings of words which is not always the modern meaning of words one might come up with terms like
Each term with a thousand nuances of meanings as it is often with sanskrit
much of it lost in translation as it is often with languages.
One of the main reason we may never defeat ignorance is that for one thing its so-called replacement is undefined, vague, meaningless.
REASON is a funny word and means a million things to a million people.
REASON is what you see today with a million hour long debates with both parties leaving exactly as they came
as confident and arrogant
and know-it-all as before.
While both of them are as wrong as any debates taking place 500 years ago
if one could simply do some
simple simian extrapolation here
and realise.
Laplace's Demon
or a REAL All-knowing god
would know and laugh.
So-called Reason has not saved us so far and never will considering the gazillion inherent flaws in human engineering.
The French Revolution might be a good example if we consider that we are still the ignorant masses same as it was with Germany not so long ago and with the Japanese and now with the Americans and the Chinese and what not.
There are no answers in intellectualism really.
Mind you a world without hysteria
and the mass hysteria of religion especially
and a world of calm thinking human beings might be a better place to live.
Life is so fragile and there are a gazillion things trying to kill us every day so if we'd stop helping by eliminating the senseless killing it would be nice.
Divert all the military money to science and medicine
but NO
We use the discoveries in medicine and science to make OUR soldiers better and live longer
what utter bullshit since we cannot save them from PTSD and suicide even.
The main cause of PTSD is probably that no matter how deeply we are programmed and brainwashed into killing
it is not really our nature.
Our nature is probably to survive wild animals and predators other than ourselves and to catch one of them animals once in a while for food and shelter and survival of the species
A bit like many old tribes had,
American Indians and others.
Respect for all form of lives without going overboard now a la Buddhism.
(Insert PETA and veganism in overboard here)
All this again to say nothing
and express my own ignorance
and my lack of reason.
But someone has to say something
about how deluded our race is.
Like I said: simple extrapolation.
Truth is we are STILL in the DARK AGES.
Like Stephen Hawkings once said
(OR Daniel J. Boorstin):
The greatest enemy of knowledge
is not ignorance,
it IS the ILLUSION of knowledge.
And even that saying is loaded with
pre-conceived ideas and tainted towards cognitive dissonance and confirmation biases,
One might even USE that line to excuse one's personal belief etc
The darkness never ends.
Knowing is like the future in the Roadhouse Blues
Knowing is uncertain and the end is always near
TRUTH IS that truth is getting to be more and more undefined and one might wanna stand with Pontius Pilate here:
In this social media age my hair stands on end when I read the word Truth or Science now
in any web page ESPECIALLY
when one of those words is in the title of the page one HAS to expect
some form or other of utter bullshit.
Ignorance and Reason are two more ambiguous semantic dilemmas filled with Freudian Defence Mechanisms,
ignorant (adj.)late 14c., "lacking wisdom or knowledge; unaware," from Old French ignorant (14c.), from Latin ignorantem (nominative ignorans) "not knowing, ignorant," present participle of ignorare "not to know, to be unacquainted; mistake, misunderstand; take no notice of, pay no attention to," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + Old Latin gnarus "aware, acquainted with" (source also of Classical Latin noscere "to know," notus "known"), from Proto-Latin suffixed form *gno-ro-, suffixed form of PIE root *gno- "to know." Also see uncouth.Form influenced by related Latin ignotus "unknown, strange, unrecognized, unfamiliar." Colloquial sense of "ill-mannered, uncouth, knowing nothing of good manners" attested by 1886. As a noun, "ignorant person," from mid-15c. Related: Ignorantly.
ignore (v.)1610s, "not to know, to be ignorant of," from French ignorer "be unaware of" (14c.), or directly from Latin ignorare "not to know, be unacquainted; take no notice of, disregard" (see ignorant). The original sense in English is obsolete. Sense of "pass over without notice, pay no attention to" in English
Ignorance, Reason, Truth.
ReplyDelete"We use the discoveries in medicine and science to make OUR soldiers better and live longer what utter bullshit since we cannot save them from PTSD and suicide even." Is this really what we use discoveries for? Maybe to make them better fighters but nobody really cares what happens when they return from the rumble.
As I always say, deconstructing is always easier than reconstructing, and to me, language and it's use outside of pragmatics is about power. This is why people react so strongly to altering language to remove the power that it has. It is always those whom have the most to lose whom bleat the loudest.
Reality is socially constructed and language is the means of construction. How we are constructed by language is responsible for distributing power. This is why some words are no longer applicable because they undermine the hegemony and traditional holders of power.
I digress :)
I was watching Vikings which is very loosely based on research but King Alfred was a reformist King in that he demanded that the priest stopped speaking in Latin to allow the people to hear the words of the Lord in their own language and so that they could become empowered and learn to read and write in their own language.
Language is power and it has been used by the powerful for far too long. Language restricts what what we can think about and therefore understand and act on.