or our
and a few other Freudian Defence Mechanisms
and Cognition Biases and FAILURES.
Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, establishing and verifying facts, applying logic, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information.
Rationalisation is the prerogative of all I would say.
Even the more rational are quite irrational in so many ways,
Sam Harris comes to mind here,
among million of others.
I like the Denys Arcand's line in one of his movies
Intellectuals make the worse parents.
Because bottom line our very best is just not good enough
I sound like an echo of myself and this is what I am.
Our greatest minds of this century will be ridiculed next century,
Speaking of, as much as Freud is discredited in this new century
by people who will ALSO be discredited in the next century,
without going into his obsession with sex and libido
I still can relate very much to the Defence Mechanisms that bare his name
even though at times some people think
the best Defense is Offense
and are very aggressive in their Denial, Projection, Identification, and especially Rationalisations.
I wish I had more insight on the subject but watching some of them so-called Sannyasin yesterday in NETFLIX's Wild Wild Country was fascinating from a psychological point of view.
How so-called intelligent men could twist their minds and perform unbelievable psyche contortions and still live with themselves.
It would seem that to be an idealist is to write Victim on your forehead and a PLEASE SHOOT ME.
Now to be a realist well whatever that maybe...
it seems like reality is 7 billion different concepts at time.
My reality Your reality etc
"My reality is closer to the real reality than your reality"
for whatever that means.
What is the "reality" of a cult member really?
What is the "reality" of a soldier while we're here?
Something he can hardly cope with and many turn to PTSD or Suicide.
What is the reality of a scientist (a so-called rational person) who is trying to get funds for his pet project
or has to deal deeply with all sorts of twists in his mind for experimenting on highly unethical things in very unethical ways?
What was the reality of all those scientists on the Manhattan Project
or those working on NAPALM at Dow Chemicals
or those working at Dupont or Lockheed
or any other manufacturer of DEATH.
Just echoing the same old things over and over but they STILL have no answers.
You want to track each trickle
Back to its sourceAnd then scream up the faucetTill your face is hoarse'Cause you're surrounded by a world's worthOf things you just can't excuseBut you've got the hard cough of a chain smokerAnd you're at the arctic circle playing strip pokerAnd it's getting colder and colderEverytime you loseSo go aheadMake your next bold moveTell usWhat's the next thing you're gonna have to proveTo yourselfAni DiFranco
Fallacious Logic Used to Quell Cognitive Dissonance?
No Shit Sherlock!
It Happens Every Day, Many Times a Day!
Enough said and resaid and reresaid
but still no answers to the million trillion inexcusable things
one see and even more
the one we don't see,
done in the dark
Dirty Deeds Done Cheap
and not so Cheap.
Rinse & Repeat
P.S. While I am here the very "cultic" practice of Ostracisation also is a funny way to alter reality.
P.P.S. Funny that the etymology of Rationalisation goes back to reason and rational.
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