and not with this...
Insert any photos
of your hubristic narcissistic past here
What the fuck does is matter and moreover
I mean besides bragging and pretending you are better
and holier-than-thou over something
you had absolutely no fucking control over
or choice about.
(Never end a sentence with a preposition)
I guess the 2nd generation of apes also thought they were so much better than the 1st generation and this narrow-minded petty mind is still part of our DNA.
My Generation is better than yours.
My Country is better than yours.
My Religion is better than yours.
My Politicians are better than yours.
Add on and add on here to the herd mind.
Social Media have not added to our retardation but just exposed more light on it.
As I said earlier when someone says negative things about people this and people that they somewhat magically extricate themselves from people.
The good old Us and Them,
Divide and Conquer.
Like he said:
George Carlin — 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'
That would mean at least 3.5 billion stupid people and in some countries I would bring that average up.
Of course some things are better and some things are worst but stop flattering yourself over a fact you had nothing to do with.
Like Uncle Bob would say:
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