Thursday, February 27, 2020
Simple Simon says...
Wellness influencers are falsely telling followers near-lethal doses of vitamins will protect them from the coronavirus
Anti-Vaxxers Are Now Telling People How to Avoid Mandatory Vaccines
add to this some vague lame PETA news and there we go
Articles like that always remind me of the Futurama meme
1960 scientists say ...
1970 experts say...
1980 scholars say...
2010 Karen says...
2020 Wellness influencers say...
2030 Simple Simon says...
Surely a great like of resilience in me but
all this makes me sad and depressed,
Stupidity is exhausting me and draining me out.
O well for now I can rejoice in the fact that I can listen to Pink Floyd's Echoes with the thunder rolling outside performing an osmosis through my sound proof headphones.
A word I hate to use but it seems to be appropriate lately.
it comes to mind now and during my remedial massage therapy hour.
Friday, February 21, 2020
I can only imagine...
But I could have told you, Vincent This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you
~ Don McLean
How can I tell you I'm rarer than most I'm certain as a lost dog Pondering a sign post ~ Elvis Costello
Truth is I'm prolly not beautiful nor rare! :|
But all my life I have pretty well been an outsider a stranger in my most inner thoughts for as long as I can remember.
Thing is about that feeling is
that it is a self fulfilling prophecy
the less you fit
the more "they" make you feel like you don't fit.
But really this planet,
this supposed "creation"
could have been so so much better.
I mean from a super all-knowing, all loving, all powerful so-called dog err I mean god;
I guess I have to agree with Woody Allen here
what a goddamn underachiever.
Funniest thing is even to think of improvement is counter-productive.
The so-called Eugenics,
(eu supposed to be meaning "good" )
is a complete nightmare subject as proven time and again by so many including Hitler and the latest assault in Hanau, Germany.
Everyone who even mentions the word puts himself in a deep hole of shit: the likes of Attenborough and Richard Dawkins have shown us so.
Even though Steven Pinker is trying to tell is things are better I tend to take all the latest mind scientists fads with a huge grain of salt.
Him and Jonathan Haidt have not passed the test of time yet and from my humble opinion they won't.
For one thing I always wonder why all these "authorities" HAVE to come from a background that was the beginning of so many troubles:
the establishment of lies and myths and shame and guilt and fucking control.
Oh sure there were many myths and lies before them and as a matter of fact they stole many of their myths and lies from them like the Hammurabi code and made it the Hammurabi for Dummies going from 282 down to 10.
But they sure have been the beginning of many of the Western World troubles for sure and still are the old books still highly worshipped.
We're not much influenced in the English speaking words by the words of
or the Bhagavad Gita
or the Sutras,
the Vedas,
and the Upanishads:
or other myths and lies.
Anyway I should write a new IMAGINE lol
Imagine a world where way overpaid athletes are not liars and deceivers and drama queens and play with honesty and truth?
Imagine a world where sports and science and politics is not corrupted by money and the power they can buy?
More over
Imagine a world where you can go to school with JOY?
Not afraid of being different or being cruelly bullied by the less intelligent kids
the more intelligent not being any better and having their own petty bickering and undermining among themselves?
Imagine a world where you never never have to question whether something said is true or not?
Imagine a world where the only resilience you need is a physical one to combat all the forces that fight against life sometimes to save their own lives.
If I go too far I ll end up in one of those fantasies again where the lion sleeps with the gazelle and the big fish doesn't eat the small fish.
Imagine a world where everyone is equal
and have EVERYTHING they NEED.
All right all right it might not sell as well as Lennon song but IMAGINE?
And also please stop imagining false escapes like the rapture and better world propelled by a million dollar industry.
Thinking of the silly song I can only imagine here and the huge Christian music industry trying to get its bloody teeth in the huge market while pretending to be holier than thou.
Mega Churches with musical instruments so expensive to make a poor artist cry, Where one needs to lock the temple/barn down with security systems and yes even DOGS I have seen it.
You wonder how they manage to read the fucking book?
Talk about dichotomy, hypocrisy, and confirmation biases
and all the little compartmental tricks a mind can play.
Oh well I could ramble til I am blue in the face
it ain't gonna change nothing.
We certainly have come short of the glory
like they say
Way shorter than we will never be able to
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Immune to Recovery
Immune to Recovery
I could have said immune to redemption but I don't believe in redemption.
You CAN'T BUY BACK actions: "good" or "bad"
What is done is done and cannot be undone.
"I'll make it up to you" is just good for a cheap rock ballad or a lame R & B bullshit song.
Bottom line is you fucked up try not to fuck up too many times.
If I was to expand on the redemption theme now it is religious bullshit to control to make someone believe you have a debt to pay and lo and behold luckily for you they are here to COLLECT.
Back to my immune to recovery now.
My shrink of 13 years is retiring and obviously
this puts me in a precarious situation.
New beginnings at 64 are getting hard on this old dog now.
Yesterday was my meeting before last and I left pretty well saying I was immune to recovery.
I have lived in dissociation for so long I don't know how to turn it off
(some would blame my dad
I mainly blame my mom,
afraid to go to school and get bullied and
afraid to get back home and get beaten up at the slightest whim)
I have lived in dissociation for so long
as I said that I don't know how to let go how to come back.
Dissociation and Anxiety being a funny mix.
I FEEL that I have no power to change that I am just ALWAYS ALWAYS waiting for the WIND to blow for the fucking wind to blow
and as I am getting older
the sea is getting calmer and calmer
and I getting more and more bored anhedonic and apathetic.
I was joking with Bill (my shrink) that a possible new shrink mentioned a "PLAN OF ACTION" and I kinda freaked out.
WHAT do you MEAN a plan of ACTION?
I have been sitting here doing nothing for the past 13 years and I am quite happy with that now. And we both laughed.
If we were to establish what I really want now errr it would be to keep my head above water for the time remaining.
All I'd like for today is to get back on one of my game wagon.
This has kept me out of trouble for years and it is good enough for me.
But at this point I have lost my MOJO as I call it on all 3 of my main video games and I don't have the stamina the brain the wind to learn a new game this old dog is getting really immune to new tricks.
SURE I would LOVE one of my old manic episodes where I would read forever or walked for miles but I don't think I have the brains or the body to do either let alone the manic episodes.
That wind has died.
So basically hold my head above water for a couple of weeks and hope that season 20 of Diablo 3 will give me a respite as long as possible.
Simple needs for simple minds.
I wake up at night trying to find an incentive to go back to any of them 3 games or to find something new but nah to no avail.
Even VR is not appealing these days and the RR is utterly boring.
RR: Real Reality or whatever that is.
Blog is barely alive and that is usually a good barometric sign of things.
Anyway things are changing as always.
Tried to get rid of the Valdoxan (agomelatine) habit because for one thing it was getting expensive but then again having second thoughts as I had trouble sleeping lately and it is the ONLY antidepressant I take and I think I am beginning to "feel" the withdrawal signs.
So back on it but grudgingly it is NOT covered by PBS for reasons I don't know and
I am too tired to fight,
AND it went from $60 (2$ a day) to almost $80 in January a 30%+ raise .
Bloody Highway Robbers,
But all my doctors (including my geriatrician who didn't find anything wrong with my brain) recommend I take it as it is much better than the other solution which to me would be Valium (cheap and free but with its own problems including not helping with a slipping mind)
AND I finally stopped procrastinating on massotherapy and got the ball rolling which also takes its toll on a small pensioner's budget but is highly necessary would it be alone to compensate for the extreme sedentary lifestyle but as my brother swears by it for the past couple of years it seems to be a pre-requisite to our genetic mess.
Now add to this that my next shrink might not be bulk billing and we have normal everyday every people financial worries to add to the existentialist ones.
Anyway I need a new Sisyphean boulder to push sometime soon for the last few yards.
I realised one of the dangers of my space cadet deteriorating mind this week when I forgot whether I had done my insulin or not.
That would be a DEADLY error now to assume I didn't and double it up.
So we will try to have some safety system for this and extend the boulder pushing season for a while.
Who knows maybe someone will find a PLAN of ACTION that really works. LOL
Good Fucking Luck to Ya!
I could have said immune to redemption but I don't believe in redemption.
You CAN'T BUY BACK actions: "good" or "bad"
What is done is done and cannot be undone.
"I'll make it up to you" is just good for a cheap rock ballad or a lame R & B bullshit song.
Bottom line is you fucked up try not to fuck up too many times.
If I was to expand on the redemption theme now it is religious bullshit to control to make someone believe you have a debt to pay and lo and behold luckily for you they are here to COLLECT.
Back to my immune to recovery now.
My shrink of 13 years is retiring and obviously
this puts me in a precarious situation.
New beginnings at 64 are getting hard on this old dog now.
Yesterday was my meeting before last and I left pretty well saying I was immune to recovery.
I have lived in dissociation for so long I don't know how to turn it off
(some would blame my dad
I mainly blame my mom,
afraid to go to school and get bullied and
afraid to get back home and get beaten up at the slightest whim)
I have lived in dissociation for so long
as I said that I don't know how to let go how to come back.
Dissociation and Anxiety being a funny mix.
I FEEL that I have no power to change that I am just ALWAYS ALWAYS waiting for the WIND to blow for the fucking wind to blow
and as I am getting older
the sea is getting calmer and calmer
and I getting more and more bored anhedonic and apathetic.
I was joking with Bill (my shrink) that a possible new shrink mentioned a "PLAN OF ACTION" and I kinda freaked out.
WHAT do you MEAN a plan of ACTION?
I have been sitting here doing nothing for the past 13 years and I am quite happy with that now. And we both laughed.
If we were to establish what I really want now errr it would be to keep my head above water for the time remaining.
All I'd like for today is to get back on one of my game wagon.
This has kept me out of trouble for years and it is good enough for me.
But at this point I have lost my MOJO as I call it on all 3 of my main video games and I don't have the stamina the brain the wind to learn a new game this old dog is getting really immune to new tricks.
SURE I would LOVE one of my old manic episodes where I would read forever or walked for miles but I don't think I have the brains or the body to do either let alone the manic episodes.
That wind has died.
So basically hold my head above water for a couple of weeks and hope that season 20 of Diablo 3 will give me a respite as long as possible.
Simple needs for simple minds.
I wake up at night trying to find an incentive to go back to any of them 3 games or to find something new but nah to no avail.
Even VR is not appealing these days and the RR is utterly boring.
RR: Real Reality or whatever that is.
Blog is barely alive and that is usually a good barometric sign of things.
Anyway things are changing as always.
Tried to get rid of the Valdoxan (agomelatine) habit because for one thing it was getting expensive but then again having second thoughts as I had trouble sleeping lately and it is the ONLY antidepressant I take and I think I am beginning to "feel" the withdrawal signs.
So back on it but grudgingly it is NOT covered by PBS for reasons I don't know and
I am too tired to fight,
AND it went from $60 (2$ a day) to almost $80 in January a 30%+ raise .
Bloody Highway Robbers,
But all my doctors (including my geriatrician who didn't find anything wrong with my brain) recommend I take it as it is much better than the other solution which to me would be Valium (cheap and free but with its own problems including not helping with a slipping mind)
AND I finally stopped procrastinating on massotherapy and got the ball rolling which also takes its toll on a small pensioner's budget but is highly necessary would it be alone to compensate for the extreme sedentary lifestyle but as my brother swears by it for the past couple of years it seems to be a pre-requisite to our genetic mess.
Now add to this that my next shrink might not be bulk billing and we have normal everyday every people financial worries to add to the existentialist ones.
Anyway I need a new Sisyphean boulder to push sometime soon for the last few yards.
I realised one of the dangers of my space cadet deteriorating mind this week when I forgot whether I had done my insulin or not.
That would be a DEADLY error now to assume I didn't and double it up.
So we will try to have some safety system for this and extend the boulder pushing season for a while.
Who knows maybe someone will find a PLAN of ACTION that really works. LOL
Good Fucking Luck to Ya!
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is grown
The dream is gone
My comment on a post today.
Why give a nobody with 3000 followers more attention than needed for a few clicks of your "own"?
Don't we have enough idiotic sycophants in this world without creating more?
Are we fighting stupidity or promoting it?
Are you part of the problem
or part of the solution?
(this is how a virus spreads BTW)
I myself I guess would be
more part of the problem than of the solution
but the thing is I don't think there IS a solution.
One cannot stop a tsunami.
Black Mirror after all is nothing short
of an exponential social extrapolation.
The problem is not exactly that there is a lot of crap out there.
The comments, the posts, the horror, the horror...
The problem IS
that the crap finds
so many buyers / followers.
Back in the days you had to travel miles and work and talk your ass off to gather a dozen disciples
but now all you gotta do is twitter
or blog
... a bit like I do 😈
What is the German word now for
"to find pleasure in trash"?
or Plain Scary Lunacy?
Call it Bachelor, Housewives, Kardashians,
or what not Trash is Trash is Trash.
Obviously the trend is here to remain for a long long time and nothing will stop it
not the government in China or anyone.
In fact most governments are probably all for this shite
given the principle of "du pain et des jeux"
Entertain the masses and keep them out of all our dark armaments schemes and bribes and money laundering and corruption.
So in the end maybe Huxley was closer than Orwell
(so much entertainment and choices
for our daily SOMA)
but Orwell has its grip in it too
in the wave of "surveillance" coming
be it in the Chinese form
or just the Call Out Culture
ruining shitloads of lives
just as good as Salem
or the Spanish Inquisition.
Not even mentioning vitriolic bloggers
who create lynching mobs
or crazy self-righteous Lone Ranger Assassin.
So there is nothing to do about it except maybe
watch and weep
and be horrified
like Colonel Kurtz / Marlon Brando.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Call Out Culture
The call-out culture of which this is an example is giving me chills and goosebumps.
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
I'll be gone soon and all my babbling will change absolutely nothing to this world
but while I still can think
this "new" culture I have a hard time to grasp
much reminds me of the old culture.
All this outrage is nothing short of the holy inquisition
censorship at its best or is it its worst now?
Germinal riot or any kind of lynching riot really.
It leaves me with my own sense of outrage and disgust and
let's say it fear
if I was ever submitted to such a wild barbarian savage mob.
Like so many form of activism it shows a great lack of maturity and character in the persons involved.
Instead of working on arranging one's life
or cleaning your own room, as Jordan Petersen would say,
one refuses to face his own personal issues and
goes out hunting some crazy windmills
with an ass for companion.
Back to Ani DiFranco again and
Everyone is a Fucking Napoleon.
Associate trans to hysteria and now you are in deep deep PC doodoo.
But mental stability certainly does not rule the activism world.
Bottom line it just seems to me that the way we are heading is just as scary as ever.
Associate cancel culture to the coming of the China Syndrome the spying on everyone choice and action and we are heading to a world more frightful than any dystonia.
It makes 1984 and Brave new world sound like nice little fairy tales.
Charlie Booker is the only prophet here and saw it coming and warned us.
The black mirror will get blacker.
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
I'll be gone soon and all my babbling will change absolutely nothing to this world
but while I still can think
this "new" culture I have a hard time to grasp
much reminds me of the old culture.
All this outrage is nothing short of the holy inquisition
censorship at its best or is it its worst now?
Germinal riot or any kind of lynching riot really.
It leaves me with my own sense of outrage and disgust and
let's say it fear
if I was ever submitted to such a wild barbarian savage mob.
Like so many form of activism it shows a great lack of maturity and character in the persons involved.
Instead of working on arranging one's life
or cleaning your own room, as Jordan Petersen would say,
one refuses to face his own personal issues and
goes out hunting some crazy windmills
with an ass for companion.
Back to Ani DiFranco again and
Everyone is a Fucking Napoleon.
Associate trans to hysteria and now you are in deep deep PC doodoo.
But mental stability certainly does not rule the activism world.
Bottom line it just seems to me that the way we are heading is just as scary as ever.
Associate cancel culture to the coming of the China Syndrome the spying on everyone choice and action and we are heading to a world more frightful than any dystonia.
It makes 1984 and Brave new world sound like nice little fairy tales.
Charlie Booker is the only prophet here and saw it coming and warned us.
The black mirror will get blacker.
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