The way one "acquires" music over the years.
I seem to recall always being a fan
of Amadeus meself
and unlike Alex DeLarge not so much a fan of
Ludwig but with a few exceptions.
Much of my classical taste strangely enough was "acquired" during my childhood
with Merry Melodies and Bugs Bunny
and Saturday Morning cartoons.
(A bygone privilege nowadays)
A much renewed love for Mozart
was of course greatly multiplied by
the grandiose Milos Forman's Amadeus.
But this particular one here was acquired years ago watching a TV movie if I recall correctly.
Christopher Plummer's enjoyment of the Emperor in Harrison Bergeron was just contagious.
Having heard the praises of the Apassionata lately in Fargo Season 3 I tried to "acquire" this one too after all it was said
"If I keep listening to Beethoven's Appassionata, I won't be able to finish the revolution."- by Lenin himself
But it doesn't seem to "stick"
Maybe Age
maybe the rules of acquisition
were not followed
who knows?
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