Facebook are going down the drain at light speed with woo and bullshit.
Plus WEASEL WORDS are so fucking hard to decipher,
here is that word again.
Studies say? Scientist think? and other meaningless utter bullshit words.
But this article here got me thinking.
If this is right I can see all the foaming at the mouth hysterical uninformed activists jumping up and down in victory and that saddens me.
It's like a mob rejoicing and getting drunk at a lynching really.
Yes you were right but NOT for the million wrong reasons you brought to the fight like fanatical religious inquisitors and witch hunters.
So far I had always been on Monsanto's side and against the hysterical witch hunters but unlike religious fanatics and dysfunctional activists I can be subdued by real facts, real evidence if there is.
Yes there are a gazillion factors to everything and some very important interconnections in this daily, hourly fight to temporarily beat chaos with order.
Just remember now that chaos however always wins, always did, always will.
That is the process of life itself inexorably beaten every single fucking time by death.
Those who read me before know I love that word: INEXORABLY
The problem I see with this is that this false biased confirmation will just trigger ignorance even deeper though and
send all the crazies on a crazier fight
filled with new energy and obsession and hysteria and what not.
That crazy warrior fury that sends into adrenaline shock even half dead.
Anyway like a googolplex other horrendous things happening in this world they should be under the
Give me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
But they are not.
Since the "receiver" in that sentence does not exist
I have to give serenity to myself somehow
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