The Nile
The Ganges
The Styx
The Jordan
Funny how apes turn one of the basic human need (no. 2, water) into some voodoo bullshit magic so fast.
The end of life which happens to EVERY form of life possible has to become some mystic river crossing for our special kind of apes.
And let's not talk about the no. 1 need now:
AIR too often translated as spirit or soul:
pneuma where we the the word tyre/tire comes from. Pneu in French, Pneumatic in English.
Talk about making a lot of hot air out of a mix of oxygen and nitrogen necessary for the survival of many.
Nephesh - Ruah - Psyche - Pneuma
The rest is just a biased translation and personal interpretation.
No Air = No Life
End of the Mystery.
Why does our species of apes though HAS to create
so many stories,
so many myths,
so many LIES?
I guess it is too dull to our conscious brains to imagine that life has no afterlife,
that the purpose of life does not exist,
that one has to CONSTRUCT one to be happy
to keep going:
some sort of MAKE BELIEVE
ultimately some LIE
i.e. NOT REAL.
We're the only species concerned with this kind of shite.
The rest is happy to go on trying to get enough food and water for the day.
The lion doesn't dream about his next yacht but his next gazelle.
All the animals that are involved in fables
do NOT have any fables.
Mind you many are territorial and ferocious and sex leads to a lot of bruises for many.
O (r) well!
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others I guess.
Again among all this is that deep need to KNOW to really KNOW.
To just discard the false and keep the true.
Otherwise we move from Orwell to Huxley and the pile of shit is just getting too big to clean or decipher and we get lost in SOMA.
The only SOMA that doesn't have its own wikipedia page :|
Soma, featured in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World, a fictional hallucinogenic drug
PLUS the average human psyche doesn't give much of a fuck or has the capacity to realise and understand so one might as well forget about true or false in this fake news era.
OVER AND OUT to all the trouble souls who may still seek an answer
...sorry to say but there is no answer
... our defective engineering could never ever grasp it.
Maybe Cyberdyne will fix us all one day.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
No but really??
Trying to watch John Lennon's War is Over on YouTube
and I get HIT with THIS
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised
Wow what world are we living in?
well here is one way :|
The (YouTube) community is going down the fucking drain!!!
Reality is too much
but let's watch Housewives of ... >
Beam me the Fuck Up Scotty and make it quick~!
Really Really! Not sure if we are Orwellian or Huxleyian but we are surely living in a dystopia for sure
and I get HIT with THIS
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised
Wow what world are we living in?
well here is one way :|
The (YouTube) community is going down the fucking drain!!!
Reality is too much
but let's watch Housewives of ... >
Beam me the Fuck Up Scotty and make it quick~!
Really Really! Not sure if we are Orwellian or Huxleyian but we are surely living in a dystopia for sure
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Where to start and
why add to this marasme,
this quagmire?
Every bone in my body tells me that this whole Greta thing is a gigantic farce
Haha Charade you are
but when the tide moves the tide moves and carries every thing with it.
In my normal décousu style here we go.
Apparently the politically correct society forbids you to mention simple facts and realities like Asperger Syndrome and OCD ( a mental illness) and selective mutism as not fair or as character assassination but yet no one would elect the Rain Man as the Prom King now.
Living with such a child is definitely no picnic and if you're a performing doting mother who loves the attention but are subject to a domineering child who pulls a Rain Man tantrum every time the word plane is mentioned then you may or may not have to give way or stand your ground or find another way to get all the world attention.
Her flying tantrums led her mum to abandon her career because of her bullying.
Let's talk about this selective mutism while I am here.
Skipping the million passive aggressive comments of supporters in this black or white society with no grey.
Am I the only one to see the enormous HUBRIS in this sentence.
I,the big I, ONLY speak when I, the big I, again THINK it's NECESSARY!
For Fuck Sake you use silence in a passive aggressive way because you got major communication problems and issues of all sort.
The great Oracle of God only speaks when she THINKS it's "necessary"
Where are we? At Delphi?
PUHLEASE excuse me here
while I take a moment to gag and puke.
Why do we swallow all this garbage today is what amazes me.
She is not pushing climate change
she is anti flying
and pushing veganism,
or as Alannah Myles would put it:
She is not dealing with China or India or a million other problems conducive to climate change just with being popular in the Western World.
I never listened to her speech and still wonders how the fuck did she get to hijack the UN's attention.
And BTW I AM A Boomer and proud of it and I am pro climate change and I do believe the science
what I don't believe in is
and showmanship.
The fact that young girls like her and Danielle Bregoli (the cash me ousside girl) and so many others get to be millionaires in no time while their fans usually struggle to survive blows my mind.
The fact that she sailed to NY is such a gigantic farce too.
Sailing in a $6 million yacht is the way to save the planet WHILE
France 24 reported that several crew would fly to New York to take the yacht back to Europe.
Hypocrisy and Charade really.
Still eating from plastic containers too
I guess one has to pick his/her battles right?
Anyway just more shit on the shit pile.
This too shall pass
and she may join the ranks of other Time persons of the year one day:
Wallis Simpson 1936, Adolf Hitler 1938, Joseph Stalin 1939, 1942, Nixon 1971 1972 Kissinger 1972 Khomeini 1979, Putin Obama and TRUMP.
My comment among a million others just as valid or invalid as any I guess.
I find it sickening at times to read the comments of supporters who feel personally attacked when their choices is criticised and go for the jugular in a not so passive aggressive way and use every dirty techniques in the oratory book like a slimy politician or lawyer ( or crown attorney even).
Sentences like these:
Used by cluster B psychofucks trying to be new age and escape reality by playing the victim
As Always it would be interesting to follow the money trail but the best scouts would fail in this post truth modernism
this sentence alone is TWISTED .
grown ups attacking a teenager
(innocence implied here)
when it could just be normal people reacting to bullshit no matter what age it is is playing on the OK BOOMER war here which is another nonsense of us vs them
why add to this marasme,
this quagmire?
Every bone in my body tells me that this whole Greta thing is a gigantic farce
Haha Charade you are
but when the tide moves the tide moves and carries every thing with it.
In my normal décousu style here we go.
Apparently the politically correct society forbids you to mention simple facts and realities like Asperger Syndrome and OCD ( a mental illness) and selective mutism as not fair or as character assassination but yet no one would elect the Rain Man as the Prom King now.
Living with such a child is definitely no picnic and if you're a performing doting mother who loves the attention but are subject to a domineering child who pulls a Rain Man tantrum every time the word plane is mentioned then you may or may not have to give way or stand your ground or find another way to get all the world attention.
Her flying tantrums led her mum to abandon her career because of her bullying.
Let's talk about this selective mutism while I am here.
Skipping the million passive aggressive comments of supporters in this black or white society with no grey.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, OCD and selective mutism. That basically means I only speak when I think it's necessary.
Am I the only one to see the enormous HUBRIS in this sentence.
I,the big I, ONLY speak when I, the big I, again THINK it's NECESSARY!
For Fuck Sake you use silence in a passive aggressive way because you got major communication problems and issues of all sort.
The great Oracle of God only speaks when she THINKS it's "necessary"
Where are we? At Delphi?
PUHLEASE excuse me here
while I take a moment to gag and puke.
Why do we swallow all this garbage today is what amazes me.
She is not pushing climate change
she is anti flying
and pushing veganism,
or as Alannah Myles would put it:
A new religion that'll bring you to your kneesBlack velvet if you please
She is not dealing with China or India or a million other problems conducive to climate change just with being popular in the Western World.
I never listened to her speech and still wonders how the fuck did she get to hijack the UN's attention.
And BTW I AM A Boomer and proud of it and I am pro climate change and I do believe the science
what I don't believe in is
and showmanship.
The fact that young girls like her and Danielle Bregoli (the cash me ousside girl) and so many others get to be millionaires in no time while their fans usually struggle to survive blows my mind.
The fact that she sailed to NY is such a gigantic farce too.
Sailing in a $6 million yacht is the way to save the planet WHILE
France 24 reported that several crew would fly to New York to take the yacht back to Europe.
Hypocrisy and Charade really.
Still eating from plastic containers too
I guess one has to pick his/her battles right?
Anyway just more shit on the shit pile.
This too shall pass
and she may join the ranks of other Time persons of the year one day:
Wallis Simpson 1936, Adolf Hitler 1938, Joseph Stalin 1939, 1942, Nixon 1971 1972 Kissinger 1972 Khomeini 1979, Putin Obama and TRUMP.
My comment among a million others just as valid or invalid as any I guess.
I find it sickening at times to read the comments of supporters who feel personally attacked when their choices is criticised and go for the jugular in a not so passive aggressive way and use every dirty techniques in the oratory book like a slimy politician or lawyer ( or crown attorney even).
Sentences like these:
Used by cluster B psychofucks trying to be new age and escape reality by playing the victim
As Always it would be interesting to follow the money trail but the best scouts would fail in this post truth modernism
this sentence alone is TWISTED .
grown ups attacking a teenager
(innocence implied here)
when it could just be normal people reacting to bullshit no matter what age it is is playing on the OK BOOMER war here which is another nonsense of us vs them
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Trying to listen to a very nice song here by an awesome singer and I just CAN'T.
All it takes is one bad apple one GODDAMN drunk cunt to ruin it all:
the classic bad apple that ruins the whole fucking basket.
What does it take for one to think?
(Maybe less alcohol to begin with)
and then again.
I mean how much empathy, intelligence, integrity, common sense (and what not)
does one need to just realise there are a hundred people around you and all of them paid good money to listen to a professional they like and none of them really enjoys you screaming non-stop like a banshee
(comme une guenon en chaleur)
I watched a concert by Neil Young on YouTube way way back then in England (1971)
where the spectators were a pure joy of class and respect it was sublime.
Never ever to be lived again with a million iphones in your face and fuck you if you're short, you're SOL.
It is well known that most gaming society are just getting worse everyday with toxic behaviour: blame some 12 year old with too much money or not enough character and laisser-faire parents but still there is no place to hide anymore not even in virtual reality which one would have loved to be dreamlike.
I haven't been to too many shows but I remember two of them where I enjoyed myself way back then:
Alice Cooper because I was 3rd row and the speakers covered all other noises
and Ani DiFranco where I showed up at 1PM for a show at 8PM IIRC, making sure I was standing in the first row right next to the stage.
All this to say that all together I much prefer STUDIO music without all the animals! :)
or maybe a stage show where myself have enough alcohol in me to filter out all the other noisy alcoholics LOL
Most of the time a live show or a cover (which I call a karaoke) just sends me back to the original, a bit like your first love that you never forget they say :)
End of rant for today.
Rants are getting fewer this year,
I would need a manic December like in 2009 just to match 2019.
O well this too shall pass I don't even know why 2015 was so slow since I can't remember yesterday or what I did 5 minutes ago.
More like a long night really
Trying to listen to a very nice song here by an awesome singer and I just CAN'T.
All it takes is one bad apple one GODDAMN drunk cunt to ruin it all:
the classic bad apple that ruins the whole fucking basket.
What does it take for one to think?
(Maybe less alcohol to begin with)
and then again.
I mean how much empathy, intelligence, integrity, common sense (and what not)
does one need to just realise there are a hundred people around you and all of them paid good money to listen to a professional they like and none of them really enjoys you screaming non-stop like a banshee
(comme une guenon en chaleur)
I watched a concert by Neil Young on YouTube way way back then in England (1971)
where the spectators were a pure joy of class and respect it was sublime.
Never ever to be lived again with a million iphones in your face and fuck you if you're short, you're SOL.
It is well known that most gaming society are just getting worse everyday with toxic behaviour: blame some 12 year old with too much money or not enough character and laisser-faire parents but still there is no place to hide anymore not even in virtual reality which one would have loved to be dreamlike.
I haven't been to too many shows but I remember two of them where I enjoyed myself way back then:
Alice Cooper because I was 3rd row and the speakers covered all other noises
and Ani DiFranco where I showed up at 1PM for a show at 8PM IIRC, making sure I was standing in the first row right next to the stage.
All this to say that all together I much prefer STUDIO music without all the animals! :)
or maybe a stage show where myself have enough alcohol in me to filter out all the other noisy alcoholics LOL
Most of the time a live show or a cover (which I call a karaoke) just sends me back to the original, a bit like your first love that you never forget they say :)
End of rant for today.
Rants are getting fewer this year,
I would need a manic December like in 2009 just to match 2019.
O well this too shall pass I don't even know why 2015 was so slow since I can't remember yesterday or what I did 5 minutes ago.
the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
More like a long night really
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Moral Chimps
I hate all those post asking us
Is He wrong? Is she wrong?
Asking us to sit on our imaginary throne of morality and goodness and decide whether we wanna thumb up or thumb down someone like a sick little emperor.
Like Ani DiFranco sang
Everyone is a Fucking Napoleon.
It just encourages the ignorant lynching mobs to foam at the mouth and that usually does NOT have a happy ending especially for the lynched whether he is "guilty" or not.
It is a rhetorical speech for power and control as it is so often done from the pulpit.
Sure there ARE things that may be "morally" "wrong" or "right"
WORDS ALL MADE UP AND CONSTRUCTED by twisted human beings ever since they were cursed with consciousness.
Just google my blog for Jonathan Haidt if you wanna hear me drool some more about so-called morality.
Every time I see one of those post it makes me shiver and sick to my stomach like if I was reading the National Enquirer or some other peasant rag.
This whole social media actually has become a huge farce on it and just amplified exponentially the ugliness of human nature at times.
Am I wrong?
Am I right?
As Bing would translate it
Je ne donne pas une baise volante :P
Is He wrong? Is she wrong?
Asking us to sit on our imaginary throne of morality and goodness and decide whether we wanna thumb up or thumb down someone like a sick little emperor.
Like Ani DiFranco sang
Everyone is a Fucking Napoleon.
It just encourages the ignorant lynching mobs to foam at the mouth and that usually does NOT have a happy ending especially for the lynched whether he is "guilty" or not.
It is a rhetorical speech for power and control as it is so often done from the pulpit.
Sure there ARE things that may be "morally" "wrong" or "right"
WORDS ALL MADE UP AND CONSTRUCTED by twisted human beings ever since they were cursed with consciousness.
Just google my blog for Jonathan Haidt if you wanna hear me drool some more about so-called morality.
Every time I see one of those post it makes me shiver and sick to my stomach like if I was reading the National Enquirer or some other peasant rag.
This whole social media actually has become a huge farce on it and just amplified exponentially the ugliness of human nature at times.
Am I wrong?
Am I right?
As Bing would translate it
Je ne donne pas une baise volante :P
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Why does this title horrify me?

Invitation à l'ouverture de notre Conscience
Invitation to the opening or our conscience
For one thing there is no such thing as
OUR conscience
when someone says OUR conscience
he is trying to impose to you HIS conscience
as twisted as it can be.
it makes me shiver to think of all the horrors and innuendos that could go on there.
It has ALL the hallmarks of a horrible cult.
When you decide to call someone or something toxic
(a popular word these days so is detox which is often nothing short of a snake oil scam)
You establish yourself as the image of purity as your own little god
to be worshipped and more importantly OBEYED.
The site goes on about what to do with your house what to keep what to throw away etc etc
The beginning of conscience / consciousness has always been nothing but trouble where everyone established himself as the final authority on right or wrong as the moral standard to be followed by all.
A conscience at its best is but extremely unreliable and totally corrupted by one's environment and geography.
Conscience: a person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.
next I might rant on so-called free will LOL
another concept that is not ageing very well either.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
trying to think of a clever title

I am always reminded of this story of Watchmen Nee
(some dangerous idealist Chinese would say and I might agree)
When he was in England and everyone was excited about some war or some football game
he would remain calm because he was just passing by,
a perfect methaphor to being a pilgrim on earth.
On social medias we see many getting all excited or getting their knickers in a twist over local sports or politics.
American politics seem to be a major concern for many wherever they live.
(Maybe due to the fact that America OWNS most media)
All I can think of is THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
All of this is
so provincial:
Two words that come quite often in my blog.
I know we are supposed to be limited
by Dunbar number
and we are nothing but advanced ape
but could we just for a moment
enlarge our mind, our perception:
AND YES besides the Dunbar number limitations we are also crippled with the
Dunning-Kruger effect
so yeah the comments will never cease as we have a growing supply of below average people like George Carlin said:
"Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that."
Half of 7,739,584,089
is an awful lot of stupidity
Seven billion is so last decade! :P
(has reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011.)
that is nearly 4 BILLION IGNORANUS.
All this entropy will lead to a major nuclear fission soon.
Maybe there is a reason
for this Dunbar's number
and maybe we should be
tribal provincial and parochial after all
what is the point of trying to grasp it all
when we don't have the brain to do it,
we don't have the neocortex size.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Guilt is Built

Guy Dumps Girlfriend for Calling His Relationship With His Brother "Disgusting"... But Was He in the Wrong?
Judgement and Blame and Outrage
and what not
has been around forever but in this nanoseconds speed of "communication"
it is more ridiculous than ever.
Was he wrong? Was he right?
What do you think?
Who fucking cares?
Shame, Blame, Guilt
all BUILT by humans constructs
on a sinking sand ground named Morality.
it is a "sin" and a source of guilt for a Catholic to miss a mass
it is a "sin" and a source of guilt for a Protestant to go to a Catholic mass.
It just seems to me that
the less educated
the more foaming at the mouth there is;
the less one is aware of his SHADOW,
his beast within,
the more in denial they are
the louder they growl.
It's never surprising the the "guiltier" one is (here is that word again)
the louder and more aggressive they are
i.e. Jimmy Swaggart
and every episode of Mystery Diners.
The world is led by LCD indeed.
And no it is not
Liquid Crystal Display but rather the
Lowest Common Denominator.
As George Carlin would say:
“Think of how stupid the average person is,
and realise half of them are stupider than that.”
Schadenfreude has grown exponentially lately.
Establishing one's value by shitting on others and mocking and shaming them seems to me a poor Freudian Defence Mechanism of Projection.
In a world of SEVEN BILLION people spending time finding the rotten apples seems to be such a waste of time.
Maybe I am the psychotic one not caring one bit about what fake or not fake clickbait did or did not do or allegedly did.
Enough philosophising for today as it is time to start the day at 2PM lol things to do other than gaming for a change.
As I am growing older I like more and more André Fortin's line:
Y'a pas de coupable, Y'a pas de honte.
There is no guilty one, there is no shame.
Even though analysed deeply it would leave something to be desired for sure but from the viewpoint of a dying man it made sense to me.
There is something paradoxical and oxymoronic here
with the emphasis on moronic
in this whole exercise.
Me judging people for judging people
sounds well a bit arrogant if not ignorant.
But I think it is human nature to worry about trends or at least for me to try to swim against the tide.
I don't like the tide.
K for real now nuff said :)
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Hubristic Epiphany

to show on
to show to
to manifest
come suddenly into play
I have often expressed
a thirst for truth
and knowledge
a cure for the human blindness we all have.
There is always a
"there's gotta be more to..."
inside of me.
This epiphany however is obviously beyond
way beyond
what we call intelligence on this planet.
Plus what good would it do?
A it is more likely to get me killed
or ignored
than to change the world as it is.
So in a way it is a little hubristic and selfish to know just for the sake of knowledge and the satisfaction that comes with it.
Tant qu'il y a de la vie il y a de l'espoir
or so they say.
A discovery of transcendental utopia on this planet is more than unlikely with the data given on human nature and simple extrapolation.
Th French wiki describes epiphany as
a manifestation of what was hidden
a bit similar to the Greek word for Truth Aletheia: a lack of concealment.
This time though the concealment is not wilful and intended
it is genetic;
it is in our DNA:
we don't know that we don't know
and more than likely we will never know.
Life won't have TIME to explain itself nor the tools or the reception to do it.
As far as life knows
it is killed or be killed,
destroy or be destroyed
in order to survive.
But no one knows.
No gods
no prophets
no politicians
no humans at all
not a single living thing really
Unless Douglas Adams' dolphins have been hiding things on us
or maybe the Siamese cats
according to Lobsang Rampa. 😜
So why keep asking and searching
one would say?
So much for ask and you shall receive
and those who thirst for righteousness
blah blah blah
But there HAS GOT to be so much more than to SERVE.
Valar morghulis translates to "all men must die"
in High Valyrian.
It is a customary saying in Essos that is traditionally answered with
"valar dohaeris," meaning "all men must serve." ...
Customs and Traditions are the beginning of all trouble.
All who say and believe that
have a hidden agenda
and usually end up as the BENEFICIARIES of such "service"
Serve your God?
Serve your country?
The question ALWAYS is
Usually not the profit of the servant.
The word freedom itself should strongly imply free of servitude.
Leadership and Benevolence are like matter and antimatter they just don't go together.
Of course we cannot be all meditating top of the mountain sitting Buddhas now
or if we were in fact the problem would solve itself as the population would go down to zero withing 100 years.
I am still reluctant though to abandon all enjoyment for the sake of Nirvana.
Until we do become ethereal beings
food and sex and rock and roll will be part of our life
suffering or not.
Can food and sex and rock and roll need to a real enlightenment now?
As far as I know nothing does since the beginning of time.
Most of it is sham and scam
or pride and retardation.
Speaking of retardation enough of mine for today
If you find the secret to life please share it with me quick before you get crucified! :)
Ciao for Now
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Apes with guns really

Trigger this time
this news or fake news from what I would consider a
reputable/ reliable site
a site I follow on Facebook.
Fake news? Real news?
Who knows anymore nowadays?
Bottom line is this shit probably happens
way too often.
(Why am I reminded of Boys don't Cry here?
What is the next free association now? Deliverance?
Or Winter's Bone even)
Thing is there are I am sure 100 million Americans that are perfectly fine but they are not the one you hear from.
The media worships the bad apple often making you think they are the whole fucking basket.
Of course there are plenty of ignorant self-righteous rednecks out there.
Writing all this while listening to an 18 year old song that is just as contemporary today as the expression
"surrounded by a world's worth of things you just can't excuse"
just comes to mind the song being
Your Next Bold Move from Ani DiFranco.
I do have a tendency to foam at the mouth at the one bad apple I must say...
the one noisy neighbour...
the one barking dog,
the slow driver in traffic etc
but the expression remains
that one bad apple spoils the whole basket.
I am sure there has been a ton of ink poured on the subject for millenniums.
One imperfection removes all perfectness.
And since there is no justice I should read more Albert Ellis and meditate seriously about all the serenity lost at ALL the things I cannot change.
I don't know something about this male integrity in our family and me being a dreamer with my head up my ass: the last Romantic.
What if and what not? I mean the world would be nowhere near perfect FFS
if I never saw anything ugly or frustrating.
I mean I am NOT by any means the last standard of good and morality and justice.
I more or less always kind of directed my life with the negative golden rule.
I try
(or I delude myself in thinking I am trying)
to NOT do unto others
what I don't want them to do unto me
but a few months ago I realised
(had an epiphany)
that what I don't like done unto me
is by no means a standard of rightness and correctness
considering I am damaged goods, a highly imperfect human being with countless visible and invisible quirks and obsessions and just wrong raising and emotional quotient.
But in my limited capacity
it has seemed to me a good rule of thumb
to go by.
The ideal solution I think would be to filter what I read more and more. For one thing there is something deadly wrong with this news business and also the explosion of useless facts propagated at light speed by the internet. And another solution would be to "transcend" be resilient and all that shit.
Now Sue sez I am manic because I write blogs lol and I often said the same thing (even though I do feel kinda depressed) but it also could be some sort of depression , a complete anhedonia where I don't find relief even in gaming these days.
P.S. in order to stay sane one would definitely have to stay away from American news and especially this total insanity they call Christianity over there.
History will tell that the 20th and 21st century wrongly and hubristically believed that they had left the dark ages.
Apes with guns really.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Oh to be born in...
such and such place or
such and such family
or socio-economic environment etc.
I suppose it is nice to dream and extrapolate but...
every time I see on the Internet
IF you had a million dollars to do such and such and
you can have a million dollars but blah blah blah
All I can think of is a spoilt bored 12 year old is trying to waste my fucking time.
Same thing with nicknames chosen at random and such and such thing will happen like a puerile horoscope or some voodoo chain letter. GTFO!
I do sometimes joke that I was born too early especially when my wires get all tangled up lol
when I think a few more years and they could have zapped that Gorlin Syndrome right out of my fucking embryo,
hell out of my mum's genes altogether
and my life would have been much easier and with much less pain.
But then again I should be thankful all them surgeries did not have to be done with a bottle of whisky and a stick between my teeth.
Sometimes I think I was born JUST at the RIGHT TIME when I consider the music that came out in my teens.
I just wish I would have enjoyed it more but I did enjoy it and spent most of my time and resources towards it.
Now Back to the Future.
Sure SOME things will be much better but ALSO SOME things will be much much worse.
It is already getting to be a dystopian nightmare in China
and the rest of the world is soon to follow
I am afraid.
Plus Plus Plus we already lost something precious never to be recovered since 9/11 and the arrival of Facebook and social media.
Couldn't exactly put a name to it but it's like a Syndrome all the symptoms are there we just don't know what it is.
I certainly LOVE the fact that I have now access to a complete jukebox in my pocket and the fact that I can also BLOCK the world with it which maybe one of the symptoms aforementioned.
I love the fact that I have access to a Britannica/Wikipedia World of information without having had to carry tons of heavy books around the world, heavy and expensive and rapidly obsolete.
But on the other hand I also LOVE the fact that
and won't be there to see all that.
There was a time when I wanted to live forever and see it all but not anymore.
I have grown tired of it all,
of all the ignorance not improving at all in thousands of years.
What will a couple of thousand years do more?
Extrapolation IS extrapolation and
1000 times zero is STILL ZERO.
Anyway Death IS the Great Equaliser.
I saw a tombstone this week (can't remember whose) 1955- 2019 and I said
But at 63 I say I am fair game for the Grim Reaper.
Hell I have been fair game for the past 63 years but also for the past 15 years mainly.
Just glad I didn't die on that hill in Quebec City like so many did at about the same age too... 48.
Like my cardiologist said you're one of the lucky one. One of three people find out they have cardiac problems when they drop dead.
So now all we need is more cowbells.
Over and Out
P.S. Trigger for this blog and all the comments of course
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