Trigger this time
this news or fake news from what I would consider a
reputable/ reliable site patheos.com
a site I follow on Facebook.
Fake news? Real news?
Who knows anymore nowadays?
Bottom line is this shit probably happens
way too often.
(Why am I reminded of Boys don't Cry here?
What is the next free association now? Deliverance?
Or Winter's Bone even)
Thing is there are I am sure 100 million Americans that are perfectly fine but they are not the one you hear from.
The media worships the bad apple often making you think they are the whole fucking basket.
Of course there are plenty of ignorant self-righteous rednecks out there.
Writing all this while listening to an 18 year old song that is just as contemporary today as the expression
"surrounded by a world's worth of things you just can't excuse"
just comes to mind the song being
Your Next Bold Move from Ani DiFranco.
I do have a tendency to foam at the mouth at the one bad apple I must say...
the one noisy neighbour...
the one barking dog,
the slow driver in traffic etc
but the expression remains
that one bad apple spoils the whole basket.
I am sure there has been a ton of ink poured on the subject for millenniums.
One imperfection removes all perfectness.
And since there is no justice I should read more Albert Ellis and meditate seriously about all the serenity lost at ALL the things I cannot change.
I don't know something about this male integrity in our family and me being a dreamer with my head up my ass: the last Romantic.
What if and what not? I mean the world would be nowhere near perfect FFS
if I never saw anything ugly or frustrating.
I mean I am NOT by any means the last standard of good and morality and justice.
I more or less always kind of directed my life with the negative golden rule.
I try
(or I delude myself in thinking I am trying)
to NOT do unto others
what I don't want them to do unto me
but a few months ago I realised
(had an epiphany)
that what I don't like done unto me
is by no means a standard of rightness and correctness
considering I am damaged goods, a highly imperfect human being with countless visible and invisible quirks and obsessions and just wrong raising and emotional quotient.
But in my limited capacity
it has seemed to me a good rule of thumb
to go by.
The ideal solution I think would be to filter what I read more and more. For one thing there is something deadly wrong with this news business and also the explosion of useless facts propagated at light speed by the internet. And another solution would be to "transcend" be resilient and all that shit.
Now Sue sez I am manic because I write blogs lol and I often said the same thing (even though I do feel kinda depressed) but it also could be some sort of depression , a complete anhedonia where I don't find relief even in gaming these days.
P.S. in order to stay sane one would definitely have to stay away from American news and especially this total insanity they call Christianity over there.
History will tell that the 20th and 21st century wrongly and hubristically believed that they had left the dark ages.
Apes with guns really.
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