such and such place or
such and such family
or socio-economic environment etc.
I suppose it is nice to dream and extrapolate but...
every time I see on the Internet
IF you had a million dollars to do such and such and
you can have a million dollars but blah blah blah
All I can think of is a spoilt bored 12 year old is trying to waste my fucking time.
Same thing with nicknames chosen at random and such and such thing will happen like a puerile horoscope or some voodoo chain letter. GTFO!
I do sometimes joke that I was born too early especially when my wires get all tangled up lol
when I think a few more years and they could have zapped that Gorlin Syndrome right out of my fucking embryo,
hell out of my mum's genes altogether
and my life would have been much easier and with much less pain.
But then again I should be thankful all them surgeries did not have to be done with a bottle of whisky and a stick between my teeth.
Sometimes I think I was born JUST at the RIGHT TIME when I consider the music that came out in my teens.
I just wish I would have enjoyed it more but I did enjoy it and spent most of my time and resources towards it.
Now Back to the Future.
Sure SOME things will be much better but ALSO SOME things will be much much worse.
It is already getting to be a dystopian nightmare in China
and the rest of the world is soon to follow
I am afraid.
Plus Plus Plus we already lost something precious never to be recovered since 9/11 and the arrival of Facebook and social media.
Couldn't exactly put a name to it but it's like a Syndrome all the symptoms are there we just don't know what it is.
I certainly LOVE the fact that I have now access to a complete jukebox in my pocket and the fact that I can also BLOCK the world with it which maybe one of the symptoms aforementioned.
I love the fact that I have access to a Britannica/Wikipedia World of information without having had to carry tons of heavy books around the world, heavy and expensive and rapidly obsolete.
But on the other hand I also LOVE the fact that
and won't be there to see all that.
There was a time when I wanted to live forever and see it all but not anymore.
I have grown tired of it all,
of all the ignorance not improving at all in thousands of years.
What will a couple of thousand years do more?
Extrapolation IS extrapolation and
1000 times zero is STILL ZERO.
Anyway Death IS the Great Equaliser.
I saw a tombstone this week (can't remember whose) 1955- 2019 and I said
But at 63 I say I am fair game for the Grim Reaper.
Hell I have been fair game for the past 63 years but also for the past 15 years mainly.
Just glad I didn't die on that hill in Quebec City like so many did at about the same age too... 48.
Like my cardiologist said you're one of the lucky one. One of three people find out they have cardiac problems when they drop dead.
So now all we need is more cowbells.
Over and Out
P.S. Trigger for this blog and all the comments of course
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