Not another one
Trigger this time
this news or fake news from what I would consider a
reputable/ reliable site
a site I follow on Facebook.
Fake news? Real news?
Who knows anymore nowadays?
Bottom line is this shit probably happens
way too often.
(Why am I reminded of Boys don't Cry here?
What is the next free association now? Deliverance?
Or Winter's Bone even)
Thing is there are I am sure 100 million Americans that are perfectly fine but they are not the one you hear from.
The media worships the bad apple often making you think they are the whole fucking basket.
Of course there are plenty of ignorant self-righteous rednecks out there.
Writing all this while listening to an 18 year old song that is just as contemporary today as the expression
"surrounded by a world's worth of things you just can't excuse"
just comes to mind the song being
Your Next Bold Move from Ani DiFranco.
I do have a tendency to foam at the mouth at the one bad apple I must say...
the one noisy neighbour...
the one barking dog,
the slow driver in traffic etc
but the expression remains
that one bad apple spoils the whole basket.
I am sure there has been a ton of ink poured on the subject for millenniums.
One imperfection removes all perfectness.
And since there is no justice I should read more Albert Ellis and meditate seriously about all the serenity lost at ALL the things I cannot change.
I don't know something about this male integrity in our family and me being a dreamer with my head up my ass: the last Romantic.
What if and what not? I mean the world would be nowhere near perfect FFS
if I never saw anything ugly or frustrating.
I mean I am NOT by any means the last standard of good and morality and justice.
I more or less always kind of directed my life with the negative golden rule.
I try
(or I delude myself in thinking I am trying)
to NOT do unto others
what I don't want them to do unto me
but a few months ago I realised
(had an epiphany)
that what I don't like done unto me
is by no means a standard of rightness and correctness
considering I am damaged goods, a highly imperfect human being with countless visible and invisible quirks and obsessions and just wrong raising and emotional quotient.
But in my limited capacity
it has seemed to me a good rule of thumb
to go by.
The ideal solution I think would be to filter what I read more and more. For one thing there is something deadly wrong with this news business and also the explosion of useless facts propagated at light speed by the internet. And another solution would be to "transcend" be resilient and all that shit.
Now Sue sez I am manic because I write blogs lol and I often said the same thing (even though I do feel kinda depressed) but it also could be some sort of depression , a complete anhedonia where I don't find relief even in gaming these days.
P.S. in order to stay sane one would definitely have to stay away from American news and especially this total insanity they call Christianity over there.
History will tell that the 20th and 21st century wrongly and hubristically believed that they had left the dark ages.
Apes with guns really.
such and such time or
such and such place or
such and such family
or socio-economic environment etc.
I suppose it is nice to dream and extrapolate but...
every time I see on the Internet
IF you had a million dollars to do such and such and
you can have a million dollars but blah blah blah
All I can think of is a spoilt bored 12 year old is trying to waste my fucking time.
Same thing with nicknames chosen at random and such and such thing will happen like a puerile horoscope or some voodoo chain letter. GTFO!
I do sometimes joke that I was born too early especially when my wires get all tangled up lol
when I think a few more years and they could have zapped that Gorlin Syndrome right out of my fucking embryo,
hell out of my mum's genes altogether
and my life would have been much easier and with much less pain.
But then again I should be thankful all them surgeries did not have to be done with a bottle of whisky and a stick between my teeth.
Sometimes I think I was born JUST at the RIGHT TIME when I consider the music that came out in my teens.
I just wish I would have enjoyed it more but I did enjoy it and spent most of my time and resources towards it.
Now Back to the Future.
Sure SOME things will be much better but ALSO SOME things will be much much worse.
It is already getting to be a dystopian nightmare in China
and the rest of the world is soon to follow
I am afraid.
Plus Plus Plus we already lost something precious never to be recovered since 9/11 and the arrival of Facebook and social media.
Couldn't exactly put a name to it but it's like a Syndrome all the symptoms are there we just don't know what it is.
I certainly LOVE the fact that I have now access to a complete jukebox in my pocket and the fact that I can also BLOCK the world with it which maybe one of the symptoms aforementioned.
I love the fact that I have access to a Britannica/Wikipedia World of information without having had to carry tons of heavy books around the world, heavy and expensive and rapidly obsolete.
But on the other hand I also LOVE the fact that
and won't be there to see all that.
There was a time when I wanted to live forever and see it all but not anymore.
I have grown tired of it all,
of all the ignorance not improving at all in thousands of years.
What will a couple of thousand years do more?
Extrapolation IS extrapolation and
1000 times zero is STILL ZERO.
Anyway Death IS the Great Equaliser.
I saw a tombstone this week (can't remember whose) 1955- 2019 and I said
But at 63 I say I am fair game for the Grim Reaper.
Hell I have been fair game for the past 63 years but also for the past 15 years mainly.
Just glad I didn't die on that hill in Quebec City like so many did at about the same age too... 48.
Like my cardiologist said you're one of the lucky one. One of three people find out they have cardiac problems when they drop dead.
So now all we need is more cowbells.
Over and Out
P.S. Trigger for this blog and all the comments of course
Sue says I am manic. LOL.
Cuz I have written 2 blogs this month already now working on 3rd.
Don't even know where I am going with it.
Trigger word: Video Games
and general America complete madness.
What's his name, Morgan Freeman, said that the best way to get rid of racism is not to mention it not to care about it and pretty well ignore it.
Do not have a
Black Lives Matters or a
White Lives Matters or a
Blue Lives Matters and what not.
Act everyday as if you were just another normal human being,
a common earthling.
Would it work with STUPIDITY now?
How about if we were all to
completely ignore ignorance?
Video Games FFS!
Same with anti vaxx and flat earthers really
put them all on /ig
and keep moving nothing to see here.
No need to spread the disease like a deadly virus and give 'em light or exposure or free publicity and what not.
I see sometimes a very popular YouTuber rebuking a nobody and I ask myself why oh fucking why? That asshole was nobody before you mention his name and now because of your popularity everyone knows his name.
They say that one of the thing that causes these silly local mass murdering is to seek "immortality" and fame in one way.
Well it might be a little Orwellian here but wouldn't the solution be to just NOT do that?
He who controls the present, controls the past.
It didn't work in the days of Barnum and Bailey and I suppose it wouldn't work now given the propensity for trash TV, Reality shows, and trash journalism sold at every store front row and a gazillion clickbaits.
Speaking of propensity it brings me back to one of my thought lately that our beloved condescending and fictitious Rusty Cohle was not THE ONE who was gonna split the atom either. :P
"Just observation and deduction. I see a propensity for obesity, poverty, a yen for fairy tales, folks putting what few bucks they do have into little, wicker baskets being passed around. I think it's safe to say that nobody here is gonna be splitting the atom, Marty."
But we sure have a yen for fairy tales for sure
blaming Video Games????
How can people look up and still trust authority figures really?
Politicians, religious leaders all part of a giant fucking circus.
Idiocracy at its best.
Over and Out Phineas Taylor Barnum.
Maybe it is me but I get really annoyed at how every blogger and
celebrity and
YouTuber and
cold-bloodedly USE the current tragedy
to score points.
It sounds a bit like a psychotic trend to me.
It seems that you must,
say something very PC about it
otherwise you are an outcast.
So many bleed every single penny they can
from what is but a very very short OCCASION.
They might be called opportunist
which in my book is not really a good word.
Not only time is relative but also geography it seems.
For one thing I think the USA takes way too much media space.
Every western country kowtows to anything American as if their culture had fuck all to say about anything and nothing happens where they live.
Which says to me that it is not a matter of numbers of people, China and India have over 1 billion people each
but rather a matter of MONEY the big DOLLAR sign $$$ that rules everything and ESPECIALLY the media and the news networks.
One blogger will go on and say don't watch the news and then the next 10 posts will be ABOUT the fucking news and moreover about THAT fucking news.
I would stop watching the fucking news
if you could stop for a fucking minute
posting shit about it.
gather ye fucking rosebuds/clickbaits while ye fucking may
and Carpe the fucking Diem/News.
I find Facebook terribly depressing at times and yet like a crack addict I keep coming back to it not having the courage or decency to quit or at least to do a MASSIVE CULLING.
And YET if it wasn't for Facebook my blog count would probably be much lower. Someone has to react to something. :)
O well this too shall pass just wait a couple of days and people will move on to the next distraction.
The problem with following the Masses is that the M is often silent.
There is something Black Mirroresque about it.
Next thing you will lose points in Nosedive China for posting individual opinions or not kowtowing to popular trends.
Celebrities and Politicians like the gods of old are warping the view on reality and none (like the gods of old) have the power to do so.
Anyway when the dust settles I hope we can all see clearer. The time of individual thinking is gone for good it seems.
O well this too shall pass
and I too shall pass
why oh why would I?
I ask.
I am just adding and compounding on the already existing problem
Too many ignoranus out there and too much ignorance.
Or is it ignorani now? 😕
I wonder what they will say of our society
100 years from now?
Or maybe they will be even more ignorant and too dumb to know.
I don't think our standards, our values, our worth have augmented much since the Renaissance really.
Or maybe this is just another delusional misinformation.
Truth is we were pretty horrible back then AND
WE"RE STILL pretty horrible now.
Another mass shooting today
Woop Tee Fucking Do.
This is not NEWS anymore as
news have to be new
it says it in the title NEWS.
Everyone will have his momentary moment about that and move on like the Rwanda genocide.
Jack: [after Paul thanks him for shooting footage of the genocide] I think if people see this footage, they'll say Oh, my God, that's horrible. And then they'll go on eating their dinners.
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Plus plus plus hundreds of people will USE this event for clickbait to get more views to their channels, pretty close to psychotic if you ask me.
Am I doing the same thing here?
Everybody knows (or doesn't know in this case)
that I don't get any click I mean look at my records on this blog FFS.
I just vent and think out loud.
I haven't stopped to do so in ages now have I?
Or maybe I have lol I can't remember
I would have to go to my blog to check out
since I got the memory of a goldfish
and the plastic castle is a surprise every time.
I am typing this on a separate doc as per my usual.
What else could I blog about?
The death of my daughter last year?
The death of my mother last Thursday?
Not much to say about this one a bit like Meursault in L'étranger from Albert Camus.
From a psychological "interesting" POV it could be said that I had one wish:
Not to die before my mum or Francis Cormier
so I didn't have to have someone gloating and nagging me over my coffin
cuz I promised myself to sit right up and scream
for once in your life.
So this is then I can finally RIP lol.
My brother is not crying either for the record.
We both have our opinion on the extreme cruelty of the woman.
I know I know ...
De mortuis nil nisi bonum
Well let's leave it at that without going into the gazillion deep psychological scars she left besides the physical ones.
My dad had the unfortunate trade of carpet layer leaving countless pieces of oak moulding in the house with a devastating edge to it.
The way to raise a child is probably not to blackmail him to remove everything he loves btw.
A death at 86 in your sleep is not a tragedy anyway it's just the circle of life.
moving on...
How moot is it to say that social media is bad for you on social media?
Sure I could gather more thoughts and more memories
to leave for posterity whatever posterity is.
One thing for sure though nobody
(that is a little less than now)
is gonna read me in 100 or 200 years from now.
So here is the end of my brain stream getting shorter and shorter everyday
P.S. I am making an attempt at reading Camus's L'étranger once more in its original language ...
we will see how this goes given I haven't read a single book in donkey's years
Typing this with Vivaldi on to avoid the sound of Aussie rules footie LOL
the constant sound of a whistle makes me think as a Canadian/American that something is wrong all the time :)
P.P.S. opening my blog to paste and copy I was pretty well right June and July have gone by in silence