celebrity and
YouTuber and
cold-bloodedly USE the current tragedy
to score points.
It sounds a bit like a psychotic trend to me.
It seems that you must,
say something very PC about it
otherwise you are an outcast.
So many bleed every single penny they can
from what is but a very very short OCCASION.
They might be called opportunist
which in my book is not really a good word.
Not only time is relative but also geography it seems.
For one thing I think the USA takes way too much media space.
Every western country kowtows to anything American as if their culture had fuck all to say about anything and nothing happens where they live.
Which says to me that it is not a matter of numbers of people, China and India have over 1 billion people each
but rather a matter of MONEY the big DOLLAR sign $$$ that rules everything and ESPECIALLY the media and the news networks.
One blogger will go on and say don't watch the news and then the next 10 posts will be ABOUT the fucking news and moreover about THAT fucking news.
I would stop watching the fucking news
if you could stop for a fucking minute
posting shit about it.
gather ye fucking rosebuds/clickbaits while ye fucking may
and Carpe the fucking Diem/News.
I find Facebook terribly depressing at times and yet like a crack addict I keep coming back to it not having the courage or decency to quit or at least to do a MASSIVE CULLING.
And YET if it wasn't for Facebook my blog count would probably be much lower. Someone has to react to something. :)
O well this too shall pass just wait a couple of days and people will move on to the next distraction.
The problem with following the Masses is that the M is often silent.
There is something Black Mirroresque about it.
Next thing you will lose points in Nosedive China for posting individual opinions or not kowtowing to popular trends.
Celebrities and Politicians like the gods of old are warping the view on reality and none (like the gods of old) have the power to do so.
Anyway when the dust settles I hope we can all see clearer. The time of individual thinking is gone for good it seems.
O well this too shall pass
and I too shall pass
There definitely is a 'tragedy' culture and that is tragic.