this is nice place to store unread things
(just to round my blog numbers to 300 lol)
About Chopin
George Sand
"After discovering that the couple were not married, the deeply traditional Catholic people of Majorca became inhospitable,[70] making accommodation difficult to find.
This compelled the group to take lodgings in a former Carthusian monastery in Valldemossa, which gave little shelter from the cold winter weather.[67]"
Add this to true story of Margaret Fairchild in The Lady in the Van deprives of her only love and talent by the same church
and go back to
Hypatia in 415 AD who was literally murdered by the Catholic Church
Not to mention the countless pulpit crimes committed a la "Chocolat" for control and power.
Now back to today where countless crimes against children are committed and protected.
No matter what religion you are
it seems Self-Righteouness and Outrageousness
seem to be the repeating "SINS"
Music as an acquired taste.
The way one "acquires" music over the years.
I seem to recall always being a fan
of Amadeus meself
and unlike Alex DeLarge not so much a fan of
Ludwig but with a few exceptions.
Much of my classical taste strangely enough was "acquired" during my childhood
with Merry Melodies and Bugs Bunny
and Saturday Morning cartoons.
(A bygone privilege nowadays)
A much renewed love for Mozart
was of course greatly multiplied by
the grandiose Milos Forman's Amadeus.
But this particular one here was acquired years ago watching a TV movie if I recall correctly.
Christopher Plummer's enjoyment of the Emperor in Harrison Bergeron was just contagious.
Having heard the praises of the Apassionata lately in Fargo Season 3 I tried to "acquire" this one too after all it was said
"If I keep listening to Beethoven's Appassionata, I won't be able to finish the revolution."- by Lenin himself
But it doesn't seem to "stick"
Maybe Age
maybe the rules of acquisition
were not followed
who knows?
Combien de personnes vont plus mal que moi ! Il est vrai que beaucoup vont mieux, mais à celles-là je ne pense pas ». ~Chopin
How many people are worse off than I am! It is true that many are better, but to those I do not think. " ~Chopin
Many are worse, many are better?
Defeatist Stoicism?
Thing is like the good ole book says:
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
Pint - Chopine
Get it?
Hard to decipher anything these days and my 2 favourites "science" sites on
Facebook are going down the drain at light speed with woo and bullshit.
Plus WEASEL WORDS are so fucking hard to decipher,
here is that word again.
Studies say? Scientist think? and other meaningless utter bullshit words.
But this article here got me thinking.
If this is right I can see all the foaming at the mouth hysterical uninformed activists jumping up and down in victory and that saddens me.
It's like a mob rejoicing and getting drunk at a lynching really.
Yes you were right but NOT for the million wrong reasons you brought to the fight like fanatical religious inquisitors and witch hunters.
So far I had always been on Monsanto's side and against the hysterical witch hunters but unlike religious fanatics and dysfunctional activists I can be subdued by real facts, real evidence if there is.
Yes there are a gazillion factors to everything and some very important interconnections in this daily, hourly fight to temporarily beat chaos with order.
Just remember now that chaos however always wins, always did, always will.
That is the process of life itself inexorably beaten every single fucking time by death.
Those who read me before know I love that word: INEXORABLY
The problem I see with this is that this false biased confirmation will just trigger ignorance even deeper though and
send all the crazies on a crazier fight
filled with new energy and obsession and hysteria and what not.
That crazy warrior fury that sends into adrenaline shock even half dead.
Anyway like a googolplex other horrendous things happening in this world they should be under the
Give me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
But they are not.
Since the "receiver" in that sentence does not exist
I have to give serenity to myself somehow
Warped Everything
From races to sex to everything.
One of the big thing these days is the JSWs and The Witcher.
About having a what they now call a BAME
playing white Ciri.
(Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic)
The term becomes a little more fluid if you live in Africa or China or India and another hundred countries.
But to millennial JSW snowflakes
it's a windmill to fight.
It's like trying to get hired as a Caucasian at SBS.
Not a snowball chance in hell.
That Witcher thing though
got really carried away
and the 9GAG community is having a ball with it.
It's like this other windmill here Milennial Don Quixotes.
Culture Appropriation?
Where the fuck were you in the time of Colonialism when your fucking culture was being assimilated by the Borgs/Brits/French/Spanish/Dutch/Portuguese etc?
This here which seems to me to be a lot of hysterical nitpicking trying hard to find something to write when you got fuck all to say
Also read the other day a survey:
Is it OK for a man to talk to a woman in the street?
Or something like that.
It just seems to me that
these new SJWs
are like priests and imans and pastors
power freaks waving a power
they don't even fucking have
unless someone gives it to them.
Anyway to make this one short and concise and having two different short subjects here is number two.
It has been "established" recently
that Dolores O'Riordan
died accidentally by drowning drunk in her bathtub.
The cause of death was not immediately made public;[62] police said it was not being treated as suspicious.[63] The coroner's office said the results of its inquiry would not be released until 3 April at the earliest.[64] The inquest was unexpectedly cancelled on that date,[65] and was rescheduled for 6 September,[66] where it was ruled that she died as a result of accidental drowning in a bathtub due to sedation by alcohol intoxication.[67]
For one thing
it has been hidden for a long long time,
covered, concealed
one might say
being reminded here again
that the word truth in greek, Alethia,
means lack of concealment.
Personally I don't buy the official version.
It's too clean, too easy and it serves many agendas.
For one thing it is almost perfectly normal for an Irish to die drunk which is just feeding the stereotype.
For another thing one cannot with their barbarian, medieval laws bury a "suicidee"
in "consecrated", "not-so-holy" Hole/ Ground.
So the official version makes everything honky dory.
All the previous reports before the newspeak rewrite pointed to Fentanyl but then again that is a no no.
Would it be for the sake of the children, the church, or the family it sure sounds to me like a comfortable lie.
Hell we have one of those in my own family.
So here it is Brain Fart number two
from the number one FOS.
(FOS: Full Of Shit)
for those of you who never read me before)
Unrevised and Unedited.
pre-fab aphorisms and part-time philosophers
"Lessons taught by life"
It's a bit like establishing yourself as the prophet, the mouthpiece, of a silent god.
Life like god like the universe in in true reality does not give a single flying fuck.
One would have to look at the whole picture:
the gazillion cruel deaths and sicknesses and losses going on
every single minute on this planet,
every single second.
Nah they only look at it
when it affects them closely and personally.
Fishes and Chimpanzees
and Lions and Antelopes
don't go on and on and on
about The Problem of Evil:
they live it every single fucking day.
That hubris we acquired somewhere in the evolutionary process is what fucks up our view of the reality of the animal world
and we are the animals.
Not only animals,
all forms of life suffer,
ants and wasps and spiders and bees
and big microbes and viruses
eating small microbes and viruses,
Sometimes viruses eat big microbes like us.
Plants also under the assaults of nature and men.
Hell we create havoc with the land and petrol and fracking and mining and what not.
Even though we are the number one predator and the "top of the food chain" we too often fall prey to many illnesses and premature deaths,
too often caused unfortunately
by politics (wars) and religions.
I hope one day I can do like my brother and one or two other friends and just stay the fuck away from Facebook.
I don't do Twitter or Instagram so when I think of quitting social media I think of fucking off Facebook.
I have done it once a long time ago and I don't see myself having the courage to do it again.
Sure I would miss one or two friends but the aggravation and head shaking would be much less.
Sure I could do the culling of all culling and get rid of most stuff and people who wouldn't give me the time of day.
Mind you most of my blogs have probably been triggered by Facebook.
Some of the head shaking come from the grand many delusions out there and the head so far up your ass attitude.
i.e. the one who has never ever done anything for free and always expect something in return posting new age bullshit like now it is time to take care of me and think of myself. When THE FUCK have you ever NOT done that?
You pick a half-baked poster
here and there and
make it your OWN temporary life statement
as a whole
and all your sycophants friends go
goo goo ga ga over you.
Facebook is really two dimensional as Ani DiFranco would say.
People talk about my imageLike i come in two dimensionsLike lipstick is a sign of my decling mindLike what i happen to be wearingThe day that someone takes a pictureIs my new statement for all womankind
And i wish they could see us nowIn leather bras and rubber shortsLike some ridiculous new team uniformFor some ridiculous new sportQuick someone call the girl policeAnd file a report
Would I be a better person if I stayed off FB?
Probably not.
And like everything else in life there are always a few precious pearls in it but as always one has to dig em out off a ton of manure.
Well pardon my French
but shit gets tiring in the long run.
Anyway just my brain running away for a few minutes before returning
to its lethargy and boredom and depression.
Take it as you will
MSG isn't toxic.
GMO is good.
Salt is good.
Eggs are good.
Butter is good.
Red Meat is good.
It's all in the quantity and moderation.
Alcohol is riding the wavy storm for now
but will come out on top methinks
AGAIN in moderation.
The earth is round and 4 billion years old.
Religions are bad now
but somehow necessary apparently for defective human beings
(and we all are defective human beings)
to function properly in society
even though I doubt
the cost of ignorance
the cost of losing our delusions.
Errrr what else?
The Universe doesn't give a single flying fuck about you
and all life and death is a matter of RNG
(Random Number Generation)
There is no God
and nobody cares
and Mother Earth is not an entity.
Your birth or your death is not more or less important than the ant or the baby whale
even though close ones
will always miss you for a while.
(Time is relative)
Give it a few billion years
and all records we ever existed
will have VANISHED in dust and atoms
Chakra is bullshit
Reiki is bullshit
Acupuncture is bullshit
and there are more fallacies and lies out there than one can count.
Considering that if one could count to 3 billion
at 1 number per second
it would take one more than 90 years to do so.
N.B. As always and as anyone
I could be totally wrong on
all of these,
some of these,
or a few of these
BUT like most persons,
I don't think I am.
Mind you the whole world
is probably wrong about everything
if we just extrapolate a little
on how wrong the world was just 50 years ago.
A French Site I follow on Facebook is called
Les Temps sont durs pour les rêveurs.
Times are hard for Dreamers.
This quote showed up
Personne ne sait encore si tout ne vit que pour mourir ou ne meurt que pour renaitre~ Marquerite Yourcenar
Nobody knows if everything lives only to die or dies only to be reborn
and got me thinking a little.
My first reaction was to disagree totally with the second part and then I came up with this.
Trying to translate my French response:
Beautiful aphorism... all flowery BUT ...
I tend to believe in the first rather than in the second,Anyway nature seems to teach me that way.Eat or be eatenwhere many lives endand become the feces of other lives.
In good French: everything ends in shit. :)
So we could also say that crap as fertilizer recreates yes! :)
I might add that in nature too many males do not breed so they are not "reborn" in their offspring.
Not too dreamy here but rather sad realist
Bel aphorisme tout fleuri MAIS...
J'ai tendance a croire au premier plutot qu'au deuxième,Enfin la nature semble m'enseigner ainsi.Manger ou être manger où plusieurs vies se terminent et deviennent les excréments d'autres vies. En bon français: tout se termine en merde. :)Alors on pourrait aussi dire que la merde en tant que fumier / engrais recrée oui! :)
Je pourrais ajouter
que dans la nature aussi beaucoup de mâles ne se reproduisent pas alors ils ne "renaissent" pas dans leur progéniture.
Pas trop rêveur ici mais plutot triste réaliste :P
Depression...well at least that is what they call it.
Insert big sigh here.
Last few days haven't been my best.
Had some strange thoughts
some would call 'em suicide ideation
that the best logical thing to do these days would be to off myself.
Should maybe try some opiates before I write this to see if I feel better: they usually work as a last resort.
But I just can feel my brain slipping away living the Charlie Gordon nightmare.
Just this morning I had two short tabs open one on Freud and the other I forgot already but "interesting" subjects anyway and I closed them even before reading any of it saying Fuck it. I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY, or the brains left.
Give me Ritalin or give me death is what it is getting at.
As hypochondriac as I can get the only scan I would like right now is a brain scan even though I doubt there would be any explanation for my current condition.
Why am I hanging on for?
What do I bring to society?
What is society bringing to me?
I am utterly fucking useless if you ask me.
Anyway this cloud will lift I hope
Time will tell
and then there is this dreaded 4th of September coming too but I don't think it is the main source of my troubles.
More like a gradual merciless decline in brain activity real or imagined.
can't even think of anything else to say
Maybe the fact I had a nightmare last night where the last 20 years of my life disappeared didn't help.
Imagine a world where there was no concealment, no hiding, no lying.
One could probably write a book about that,
one probably has.
Where all frauds and scams are nipped in the bud,
where all fallacies
(and fuck knows there is a gazillion of them)
are straightly exposed to "the light" for what they are.
Mind you though, like Picard, we might exclaim:
Isn't it astonishing though how much clutter there is in the consciousness?
OF COURSE it will never happen
not in 4 billion years
not ever.
Science Fiction is after all
the science of DREAMERS
and I am nothing but a DREAMER
if I am anything at all.
It sure would be a huge fucking game changer
in Politics and War now.
And in religion as well
add mind-reading to that
and one can start running away.
Ok 'nuff said.
Let's make this a short one now.
Food for thought as always.
It is a Greek word variously translated as "unclosedness", "unconcealedness", "disclosure" or "truth". The literal meaning of the word ἀ–λήθεια is "the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident." It also means factuality or reality.[1] It is the opposite of lethe, which literally means "oblivion", "forgetfulness", or "concealment".[2] According to Pindar's Olympian Ode,[3] Aletheia is the daughter of Zeus, while Aesop in his Fables[4] said that she was crafted by Prometheus.
A little bit of a delayed reaction as it is almost old "news" already but I was slightly surprised at the world reaction or the media reaction should I say over the fate of ONE baby orca / KILLER whale.
Having just finished watching the first episode of David Attenborough's Blue Planet recently and refusing to watch it again just last night.
Let's say I don't have much mercy for killer whales recently having watched a pod harass a baby whale and its mother for 6 hours and finally killing that baby whale that the mother had borne for 14 months just to eat its tongue and lower jaw and let the rest of it rot at the bottom of the ocean to feed scavengers.
And just YESTERDAY I realised thanks to Wikipedia that it wasn't just any KILLER whale it was a KILLER whale sponsored / adopted by none other than Malia Obama.
J35 was given the name "Tahlequah" by The Whale Museum in Friday Harbor, Washington, as part of their Adopt-a-Whale outreach program. One of her adopters was Malia Obama, daughter of Barack Obama.[1]
Malia Ann , born July 4, 1998
Her unusually long period of grieving attracted international attention and an outpouring of sympathy, comparing her actions to that of a human mother.
Except a human mother doesn't go around killing whales that is except maybe if she is Japanese or something.
And here is the fucking BRILLIANT SOLUTION to all this.
The ongoing crisis within the Southern Residents community prompted calls for intervention, including dam removals and the increased killing of sea lions who interfere with salmon growth in the Columbia River.
To which I exclaimed out loud something like Fucking Christ Almighty.
Sure now. Let's KILL some sea lions so KILLER whales might live
and as the little gods of creation
and the top of the food chain
that we think we are,
let's choose who lives and who dies.
Fuck forbid that we treat the other problem of pollution in the Salton Sea as this would mean we would have to fight other humans who have probably more money than us to defend themselves.
I mean that is a lot of FUCKING POWER for a 19 year old or for anybody.
Let's treat sea lions like Jews and Niggers no one will mind right?
Let's blame 'em for all the problems of the world.
It is beyond my comprehension when humans begin to rationalise who lives and who dies.
No one now will be offended one fucking bit at all them sea lions dying as they are not sponsored by any celebrity.
Let's KILL more sea lions so KILLER whales can KILL more salmons.
I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth. ~ The Great Gatsby
Exchanging a life for a life and messing with the natural order of a cruel world is not exactly wisdom personified.
Life dies every single fucking day and more than often killed by another life that is the law of the jungle and more especially the law of the sea FFS.
Plankton, Krill, Sardines Herrings they all go through it. Attack from the bottom and from the top by birds and from land even like eggs being eaten by the millions.
Fuck people just watch a little more David Attenborough and get your head out of your ass.
I guess I should give a name to that poor baby whale who died for nothing at the hands of fins of a bunch of killer whales.
No one ever questions the media or its motives and moreover its money trail.
O well maybe it's just me again but I just fucking love questioning everything and swimming against the tide. Always a good thing when you live anywhere near a fall.
End of Rant
Here is the word!
That line of Holocene bugs me.
It reminds me of that K10 question I hate.
About how often did you feel worthless?
I always want to ask:
Please DEFINE worthless?
Define Worthy?
and while you there
Define Meaning.
I don't consider my so-called agoraphobia a fear of society,
maybe a fear of an environment out of my control at best.
Mind you these days when for years the word worthless meant nothing to me
it IS starting to mean something lately, maybe synonymous with meaningless.
Thing is I joked for years that I did not have a superiority complex,
I am DEFINITELY superior.
One of the obvious reasons I did not have many friends obviously and got myself in a million bullying situations
as I say myself often once you start calling yourself CHOSEN, or SPECIAL, or BETTER,
prepare yourself for the heartless scythe of the Tall Poppy Syndrome Reaper.
I like songs like I want to Vanish and shit like that
How can i tell you i'm rarer than mostI'm certain as a lost dogPondering a sign post
Hmmm what other song could I bring into this?
Can't think of any right now and that also is a part of the problem.
Finding more and more HOLES in my memory does not make me feel WORTHY at all, quite the contrary.
They shoot the horses don't they?
Once I forgot who I am you might as well put me down.
I have felt MAGNIFICENT many a times but maybe it was just a MANIC stage.
I was MAGNIFICENT in grade 3 and for the rest of my life well ...
I could have been a contender
I could have been somebody
A high school principal once told me Look at him so full of talent (intelligence) and yet so lazy
Well I don't know if it was laziness and I don't think so even because in good conditions I was quite energetic well at least intellectually.
Back then no one was talking of mental illness, or EQ or family abuse or what not. So I was just a problem child.
Such a problem child in fact that the principal of a 32oo Students a year school
STILL remembered me.
So no, I am not magnificent anymore,
and moreover I will never be again.
So maybe that's why the line annoys me so much
My magnificent days are long gone and never to be seen again
IF I ever had any other than in my own mind.
Not sure where this world is going or if it has ever gone anywhere anymore but the current overloaded input we have just seems so sad and so helpless and so hopeless.
Does anyone learn anything new anymore?
Do people change their minds at all?
I kind of know that I did at least from the religion POV.
I mean I used to be Catholic and a Choir Boy and then left it all for a while to dabble in drugs and oriental mysticism
and then 42 years ago on the 12th of August I kind of switch to Protestantism Evangelical Non Denominational CULT really.
Read the book many a times 7 times the OT and 12 times the NT.
And for a long time after that I was in and out off and on on the Bible wagon,
even got baptised for the 4th time in Australia here therefore post 2001.
If I was to read back my blog which started December 2009 I can tell there was an awful lot of bible stuff and quotes in the early years
so to blame my conversion to my heart surgery in 2005 would be wrong even though I do detect some sort of life changing PTSD in late 2004 when the bad news came in and I was given 6 months to live.
Maybe one day I will go back on my older blogs and try to pinpoint a "conversion" date
or a more accurate milestone
on my now full fledged atheism.
But I don't think it happened over a debate I won or lost or what not.
But the thing about this new Brave New World is that all that SOMA is mind numbing.
Debates are endless long boring spectacles where both parties come and leave exactly as they came in and so do their fans.
Every single one of them playing a high level game of confirmation bias.
No one would know a fact or a truth or an evidence today if it hit them in the face.
So wherewithal shall a young man find his way or an old man for that instance?
I was watching Jordan Peterson rehashing his really tough battle with Sam Harris today and trying to find a silver lining, a rationalisation that would fit in his compartmented, built-up mind, fitting with all his old Jungian and mythological and hierarchical puzzled life.
Because if that is all crap than the man has no foundation left and we know what the bible or the architects say about that now.
Not that I am siding on Sam Harris either the man is arrogant and way too self assured to know anything and wrong on too many subjects too.
His intellectual adherence to Buddhism is utter bullshit right from the start.
One thing for sure these days AVOID any article or site with the word TRUTH in it. You can be assured that there will be none of it and what they have to say.
Facts and evidence?
Well why am I reminded of old wrongly attributed saying:
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
The thing is we are constantly reminded that many so called facts and evidences are totally debunked daily. That a countless numbers of studies are corrupted and twisted by the powers that be by the publishers and by the greed of the wanna be player in the big games.
We are also bombarded daily by a shitload of weasel words: Study says, Studies say, Scientists agree, scientists have discovered etc etc
And let's not forget the intellectual bandwagons:
(especially in the domain of nutrition the biggest undecipherable Daedalian maze ever)
salt, eggs, MSG, and the catchword of the day: Vitamins where you now have to pay to find out.
That the facts and evidences of only 50 years ago are utter bullshit long rejected today by new facts and evidences which will absolutely be debunked in 50 years from now if one has enough brain cells left to do some proper extrapolation.
That when you start calculating in mega numbers, and our brain is not wired for mega numbers, but one knows that the smallest error becomes a huge margin if the angle is long enough.
It is like heading to some place many light years away and being off by only a fraction of a degree: any astronomer and space scientist would know that too well.
It's like working with Imperial vs Metric measures on a large scale as it once happened and cost billions of dollars.
One should know better than reading the Daily Mail or watching Fox News but still how does one decipher the Everest pile of manure to sift through and find a real fact or truth or evidence? Without one being injured or derailed by his own prejudices limited mind and cognitive biases?
And let's face it fully we all have very very limited minds. Sure we're achieved a few remarkable things since the times we moved on from the apes but we are certainly all "sinners" on this earth
i.e. light years away from the fucking mark.
The illusion of knowledge IS our greatest enemy indeed.
When everything is a metaphor or needs hermeneutics or is a parable or holds the firm belief like the Aghoris who maintain that all opposites are ultimately illusory.
If everything is relative, and everything is illusory, and everything is a metaphor, and a parable, and a miracle, a mystery,
then NOTHING IS FUCKING REAL and one can go on believing any false shit one wants.
Facebook or Twitter or YouTube certainly won't save us as all of them are in for the money anyway and are more part of the problem than the solution really. Charlie Brooker is on to something.
Life will be just one big fucking reality show with no reality in it whatsoever anytime soon if not already.
We will all sit in Idiocracy Land and watch the Housewives and the Kardashians.
And politics in the endgame will be just like life.
Order vs Chaos. Life vs Death, Poor vs Rich. (Or as other would like to call it Left vs Right)
And in the end we all know
CHAOS DEATH and the RICH will win
as we see in so many future dystopias nowadays.
They're gonna shove it up our cosmic YingYang alright.