Having just finished watching the first episode of David Attenborough's Blue Planet recently and refusing to watch it again just last night.
Let's say I don't have much mercy for killer whales recently having watched a pod harass a baby whale and its mother for 6 hours and finally killing that baby whale that the mother had borne for 14 months just to eat its tongue and lower jaw and let the rest of it rot at the bottom of the ocean to feed scavengers.
And just YESTERDAY I realised thanks to Wikipedia that it wasn't just any KILLER whale it was a KILLER whale sponsored / adopted by none other than Malia Obama.
J35 was given the name "Tahlequah" by The Whale Museum in Friday Harbor, Washington, as part of their Adopt-a-Whale outreach program. One of her adopters was Malia Obama, daughter of Barack Obama.[1]
Malia Ann , born July 4, 1998
Her unusually long period of grieving attracted international attention and an outpouring of sympathy, comparing her actions to that of a human mother.Except a human mother doesn't go around killing whales that is except maybe if she is Japanese or something.
And here is the fucking BRILLIANT SOLUTION to all this.
The ongoing crisis within the Southern Residents community prompted calls for intervention, including dam removals and the increased killing of sea lions who interfere with salmon growth in the Columbia River.
To which I exclaimed out loud something like Fucking Christ Almighty.
Sure now. Let's KILL some sea lions so KILLER whales might live
and as the little gods of creation
and the top of the food chain
that we think we are,
let's choose who lives and who dies.
Fuck forbid that we treat the other problem of pollution in the Salton Sea as this would mean we would have to fight other humans who have probably more money than us to defend themselves.
I mean that is a lot of FUCKING POWER for a 19 year old or for anybody.
Let's treat sea lions like Jews and Niggers no one will mind right?
Let's blame 'em for all the problems of the world.
It is beyond my comprehension when humans begin to rationalise who lives and who dies.
No one now will be offended one fucking bit at all them sea lions dying as they are not sponsored by any celebrity.
Let's KILL more sea lions so KILLER whales can KILL more salmons.
I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth. ~ The Great Gatsby
Exchanging a life for a life and messing with the natural order of a cruel world is not exactly wisdom personified.
Life dies every single fucking day and more than often killed by another life that is the law of the jungle and more especially the law of the sea FFS.
Plankton, Krill, Sardines Herrings they all go through it. Attack from the bottom and from the top by birds and from land even like eggs being eaten by the millions.
Fuck people just watch a little more David Attenborough and get your head out of your ass.
I guess I should give a name to that poor baby whale who died for nothing at the hands of fins of a bunch of killer whales.
No one ever questions the media or its motives and moreover its money trail.
O well maybe it's just me again but I just fucking love questioning everything and swimming against the tide. Always a good thing when you live anywhere near a fall.
End of Rant
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