Fascinating food for thoughts here if one can still think, yours truly here is slowly losing ground in that department like Charlie Gordon post-op my favourite metaphor from Flowers for Algernon.
It just seems to be more and more clearer that us humans greatly relish in delusions:
delusions usually very geographical, very parochial, very provincial: two of my favourites words again.
Extend the geography to the universe and then we have more "beliefs" than we can count.
Even in our "modern" age we are highly plagued by superstitious ignorance
and sadly enough by murderous superstitious ignorance too.
With the rather recent spurt of growth on our planet which had less than 3 billion people when I was born well the taste for blood by the ignorant mobs has grown exponentially, 9/11 being our prime example and the reflex reaction that ensued. The 3000 have been avenged more than tenfold since then and it is a continual batttle and blood bath.
Mind you 9/11 is a drop in an ocean in the cosmic picture even though it has changed all of our lives tremendously there has been and still is many other massacres happening in the world.
Anyway drifting again as I am known to do so let's try to stick to the subject: this famous need of our particular simian line to believe in an afterlife. I do understand the need for "JUSTICE" as I have expressed many a times. It seems like such a waste and a loss here and basically we don't even know what justice means really.
Hitler and Osama Bin Laden could be redeemed if they repent and all but the son of a bitch who killed MY loved one ought to burn in hell for all eternity and I'd love nothing more than to see his soul sent to judgment with a grin on my face.
Mind you others seem to take a more "Zen" approach and forgive the poor S.O.B. who after all had a horrible childhood and a mother from hell.
(I just finished watching I am a Killer on Netflix)
So according to my own "belief" fuck all happens after death, the great equalizer. Nothing more that happens to ants or dogs or lions or antelopes or fish in the oceans anyway.
The antelope doesn't hold a grudge against the lion, The lion doesn't have a single blot on his conscience. And the little fish doesn't remember the big fish that ate him. The baby whale doesn't remember the pod of killer whales that harassed him for 6 hours and then drowned him and ate his tongue and his lower jaw and left most of his carcass for bottom of the sea scavengers which after all should be free of guilt just eating dead shit and all. And all plant eaters go to heaven of course unless one brings plants to a new level of consciousness and declare it life just as any other life, Rocks should be safe now.
We come, we go, we kill life, eat life, and become fertiliser for someone's next meal.
And we have done so for many thousands of years way before the invention of any religion.
Again to me besides the inner need for a sense to it all and a yearning for justice I think that religion is and has always been nothing short but a mean of CONTROL by those con artist ready to cash on that yearning of ours and laugh all the way to the bank with their fake power.
Mind you this sad reality is really hard to face honestly that bottom line we don't really matter, never did, never will.
One hundred years ago we were nothing and a hundred years from now we will be nothing again.
Time is a very hard concept to grab in our limited scoped mind.
There was nothing of us a short 4 billion years ago and there will be nothing left of us in another 4 billion years:
no memories no nothing but atoms spread across the universe and atoms have so stories like happy people.
But Hubris oblige and we think of ourselves as BETTER than all the rest.
In fact some of us animals are even BETTERER than other animals of our kind.
This is why we have CHOSEN people and my religion is better than yours and my country is so much better than your little pisshole.
And this is also why in Australia and some other places I guess we have what is called the tall poppy syndrome.
On a last side note the pretended most rational of us don't even mind saying that Buddhism is a better superstition and some so-called scientists and psychologists borrow heavily from Buddhism stopping short of buying plastic idols and bowing down to Ganesh or Krishna and what not
We will never know or realise how really close we are to our ancestors: the apes and even to pigeon magic.
We do not have the complexity to comprehend.
We don't have the brains or the time frame even though I doubt even a thousand years would be enough.
So just more food for thought on the food for thought.
Afterlife, Justice, Morality, Religion: all retarded young inventions of the sick human mind.
Some people feel it is better though to believe in such shit in case the reality hits us hard in the face and some of us go hogwild realising there are no eternal consequences to us anymore than there are to the lion, the antelope, and the simian cruel wars.
Mind you I am sure that all of us, the Sartres, the Camus, and the numberless different philosophers out there all filled of course with their own hubris and warped thinking and pride and personal delusions and what not are not any better than the other supertitious kind.
It is always interesting to read anything
as one has to question the provenance,
the background of the one that wrote is
and ask oneself
How many Humongous "CHIPS on the Shoulder" does that person have? carry?
How many times were they hurt or frustrated and constructed some questionable coping mechanisms?
A few names come to mind here: males and females.
We all are ephemerous lost life forms shortly passing by and soon forgotten.
So maybe Farrokh Bulsara was right after all.
Nothing really matters, anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me
Any way the wind blows
And despite what he said and what so many Americans seemed to believe in the highest rungs of the justice deparment
there is no devil and no Bismillah just our dark apian minds making shit up.
So fucking easy to blame the devil until one of these selfish self-righteous pricks get caught with his pants down
end of thinking for the mo
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