Thought this film really hit the nail on the head. After clearing out deceased parents' home with brother and sister and experiencing the nostalgia associated with objects, to experiencing younger generational grief,, Thought this t was acted superbly and the many moments with sister and brother, grieving parents, death expectant elder man, and especially the contained and deep emotion of the insurance agent, made this a very quality film. for some reason we have become hardened and inexperienced in sharing intense moments of life openly and a lot of the reviews of this film are so superficial to the point of tragic. Good one to see.TL;DR or my translation on this comment:
I loiked it so fuck you all
Good thing I did not write a review on this one too
I have high regards for my friend Mike recommendations and I did watch this one but I might have missed what he has seen in it.
Right off the bat, the description is a bit of a turn-off right away.
exploring our relationship to the
artifacts, and
that shape our lives.
To ME the world NOSTALGIA is always about MEMORIES and NEVER
Memories even though ethereal and ephemerous can be conceived as superficial too I guess.
Mind you I have never lived in the same house for 30 years and never will.
I had my house burnt down and I traveled across the planet many a times and had more addresses than I can remember.
Some of my favourite songs are L'or du Temps and Dust in the Wind.
I HATE the very word: MEMORABILIA: Overpriced crap.
So IF I was to make a movie about Nostalgia it might be about ancient sweet memories, good old times. dreamy unrequited teenager love but not things.
TIMES and PLACES basically.
Mind you watching the movie just after watching the EQUALIZER might have been a bit of anticlimax LOL
Watching Home Depot McGyver here winning the battle of good vs evil was just FUCKING A. 😈
It shouldn't be much of a spoiler alert to say that "good" won over "evil" especially when there is a sequel coming, I mean you know the "good" guy ain't fucking gonna die.
But back to my vain and useless image watching here.
I often expect a writer to just blow my mind especially with a good subject but most of the time they disappoint me. One that doesn't on top of my mind is Charlie Brooker so far.
We just watched Alias Grace together and greatly enjoyed it some memory exploring amnesia story: a story by a reputed story teller: Margaret Atwood.
So we thought as per Netflix's suggestion that the Sinner would be good too.
Hmmm. Maybe not so ... partial recovery right of the bat in episode 2, bad editing, hardly any character development, 'cept maybe for the detective's arc so far. Poor editing and basically a story that should have been told in 5 episodes or 6 at max like Alias Grace and is driving off the will to live by episode 7.
Now if I was a proper writer and didn't do what I am complaining about here bad linear story telling with too many detours and flashbacks, I would get back to NOSTALGIA.
Well let's just say I prefer Brooker's approach to problems and their ethical and psychological outcomes.
A baseball is not an ethical subject to me.
The bickering between parents and children and also the greed that comes with death and loss etc.
So before my brain punches out at the time clock I better stop having said enough I hope.
Nostalgia being described by Wikipedia as a sentimentality for the past might still apply to that movie
but it just doesn't apply to my sentimental idealistic romantic view of yearning, aching, longing for better times being good old times or a distant future
P.S. Wikipedia also has this photo
with this note
Memories of pre-computer-era settings, such as this small office/home office containing no modern computer equipment, can inspire nostalgia.
Well NOW longing for a fucking FAX machine
is just fucking madness not Nostalgia :)
It's just being a fucking Neanderthal Luddite.
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