Tuesday, March 22, 2022




Barely out of bed and said FFS twice already! lol

First a chess streamer I don't particularly like says a chess grandmaster has been banned
(the clickbait didn't mention for 6 months only),
I look at the time and it's almost 30 mins!!!
THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES for a piece of news that takes 30 fucking second to read. 
You fucking streamers are so hubristic,
like sports commentators
you worship the sound of your own voice.

Moving on.

Next one: Coronavirus Guided Meditation 

— Boost your Immunity against COVID19

double FFS

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.

Like Garfield: As far as I am  concerned my day is over

Friday, March 18, 2022

I'd like to disagree with Job here

 but I know that my redeemer doesn't exist.

"I'll make it up to you"

je vais me rattraper google

Je vais vous rattraper bing

In French translation it gives a sense of catching up.

Catching up TO WHAT is my question???

Another biblical concept here similar to the word sin in Greek:


i.e missing the FUCKING mark

This big notion of redemption is to me fundamentally wrong and probably utter bullshit made up in some control freak mind to use, abuse, and control others, based on imposing guilt and shame: 2 adorable concepts .... NOT

A concept that comes in so many songs.

Mind you another concept that comes in an awful lot of songs is:

I wanna get laid and I'll say anything to get to that goal.

Elvis comes to mind here.  It's now or never.

If I could turn back the hands of time and other bullshit.

English is funny that way with its hundreds of expanded verbs utterly change by adding some preposition: 

like knocked up is not the same as knocked down.

To impose shame on you and the idea that you need to redeem yourself somehow is just pure evil if you ask me.

Sure one can decide to do better with one self but shame is man-made.

The older I get the more I like the French expression in André Fortin's song:


there is no guilt there is no shame

an expression in context to someone who is near death 

but somehow one is ALWAYS near death relatively.

But again most of these making up songs or wanting to make up are nothing short really of:

I wanna get laid again song.

it reminds me of Jack Lucas in Fisher King:

Jack’s line “Suicidal paranoiacs will say anything to get laid,” was added by Gilliam on set because he was afraid that the character would have a tiny shred of likeability left in him.

Anyway as Dylan says so well:

I'd forever talk to you

But soon my words would turn into a meaningless ring

For deep in my heart

I know there's no help I can bring

Love this song still as relevant today as it was then

for instance change/adapt 2 words in this verse and bam voila 

welcome to the 21st century

From fixtures and forces and friends your sorrow does stem

That hype/#hash you

And type / #tag  you

And making you feel that you gotta be just like them

We are what we are and sometimes, many times we fuck up and that is it. There is no redeeming, no making up: just try not to fuck up too many times that's all.