The Grumpy Fuckers Cafe! :)
For the life of me I can't go out for like 3 minutes without losing it.
First you encounter so many drivers with their head up their asses that make your short journey twice as long and twice as difficult and fuck knows there is a shit ton of 'em.
Then, then, then, then, you have to go shopping and meet PEOPLE FFS.
One recent example, yesterday we went to Aldi and Sue gives me the Aldi coin to go get a trolley.
When I get to the trolley area there is THREE rows of them, THREE fucking ROWS and an older lady is standing there chatting with one I will kindly refer to as the fat cow, she's got her trolley blocking two rows and she is blocking the third row with the fat cow covering any loose end.
Me, being me, I raised both hands in the air with a look of desperation on the fate of humanity, shaking my head questioning every time why can't people be aware that the world is NOT their fucking oyster and that a public area
a public area
and not your private little driveway.
(Even though your driveway should not contain noise as noise knows no boundary and will cross into other people "private" driveway.)
We're not talking about entitled millennial little snowflakes here,
we're talking about people my age and older than me.
Anyway to add insult to injury the fat cow said snarly:
Oh How Annoying!
I wish to fuck I was good at confrontations really.
To give them fat arrogant rude cows
a piece of what they deserved.
So the conversation IN MY HEAD
went a little bit like this.
You're FUCKING RIGHT fat cow.
It IS FUCKING annoying.
It is called BRAINS use 'em or lose 'em moronic shit. The world does not belong to you.
Your annoying duty is to help society to run smoothly AND EFFICIENTLY. Not that you would know that if it hit you in the face.
There is an old virtue, an old quality LONG FORGOTTEN. It is called CONSIDERATION
It's the same thing everywhere it seems. When I ran into this scenario in Canada I just walked away. Life is too short for morons.
In France it is viral. A client with a queue a mile long behind him or her will hold hostage a single employee and take half an hour to buy a fucking baguette FFS because they wanna tell their life story or need someone to talk to.
Get a fucking friend or a therapist FFS this is NOT the place nor the time.
It happened to me twice in 5 mins just last week. Some cow who held hostage a single employee at the only money exchange place open for over half an hour and when I went to the chemist to cut time an other person grabbed my chemist to tell them their life story when I went back to the money exchange the cow was STILL there but luckily the other employee was back from her smoko or something.
I KNOW I KNOW the fucking SERENITY to accept the things that CANNOT be changed but FFS I am a dreamer and I have a dream, a dream where people will consider each other when in society, a dream where people will be aware of where they are and of their surrounding.
Why should I always be the one dodging the fucking zombies either walking with their head up their asses or pitonning as I like to call the action of phone zombies.
SURE I could be the Zen one and not care whether an action takes me 10 mins or 10 hours but I guess I like to shop like a MAN:
Get your money or card ready in line at the cashier use your head and get the fuck out of there.
or as Ani DiFranco would say ANTICIPATE
for every hand extendedanother lies in waitkeep your eye on that oneanticipate
will go a long way.
It's prolly just me again
maybe I am the little snowflake after all.
I keep referring back to my negative golden rule:
Do NOT do unto others what you don't want them to do unto you.
Maybe also it is because I come from a cold country where people don't fuck around with the puck at minus FORTY.
Anyway rant of the day over,
always the same rant,
always practising my MUSTURBATION
against the best advice of Albert Ellis.
On a lighter note now I met another little old lady at the same Aldi at the very same time on my exit this time instead of my entrance and she made my day.
Long story short we were all lined up at the only open register lane 1, the booze lane, and since they didn't have the booze we wanted anyway when they opened register 4 we moved towards it.
This little old lady in front of us with like 4 articles was ready to let us go in front of her but I refused politely since she only had 4 articles and also I think she was ahead of us in the long line anyway.
So she was tickled pink and so grateful thanking me over and over again saying how much she hated to go shopping at Rockingham Shopping Centre
( A Lady after my own heart lol)
Then we waved goodbye with smiles and I turned to Sue and said:
SEE? I am not THE BEAST they all say I am. LMAO
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