Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Reset the counter

For adults, the top ten most stressful life events and 
their “Life Change Unit” scores are as follows:

Death of a spouse (or child*): 100.
Divorce: 73.
Marital separation: 65.
Imprisonment: 63.
Death of a close family member: 63.
Personal injury or illness: 53.
Marriage: 50.
Dismissal from work: 47.

Talking to Dead People

It's a bit like talking to some god or saint
or even your some shrink or to a friend even.

Mind you I draw the line
at shrinks and friends meself. 

It seems to me somehow that just talking out loud clears things in a human brain that thinking alone cannot do.

I have cleared decisions as stupid as
whether I am gonna change the oil in my car or not by just talking it out loud,
So the role of god or the shrink seems quite irrelevant I guess
It just looks saner than talking to oneself LOL 

Many people turn to religion or AWAY from religion 
when a child dies.
It's either:

"How dare YOU take MY child? You can fuck right off then"


"I hurt so much I need some comfort of any kind at any cost"

TRAUMA is TRAUMA and it happens to everyone.
my good book would say 

As for me  and my house we will serve no lords.
as opposed to the more well known

As for me and my house we will serve the lord written by a fictive Joshua in a book he never wrote prolly written in 700B.C. in a chapter catalogued by men 24:15 

Words used to SUBDUE humans to serve authorities with no power whatsoever.

How else would they get your fucking money?

Exodus never happened.

Not a single archaeological, scientific proof anywhere.

To try to rationalise every horror 
and excuse and explain 
an all knowing
all loving
all powerful non-existent god 

is nothing short of madness,

a Herculean  feat of strength
of Freud's Defence Mechanisms.

So I stick to my "guns" and still miss her.

Songs usually bring some sort of trigger
but one cannot live in blubber all of his life
so one must go on, for now.


If one was to analyse my state of mind I like to use my blog as a barometer of where the wind is going.

2018 was slightly better than 2017 with 40 posts vs 31.

Now interestingly
25 out of 40 were written
from July to September
AFTER she died

And in October it died.

The wind just fucking stopped blowing.

I have no other explanation
for my bipolar moods.

The is no diesel engine on this ship.

 So here is to the start of a "new" year.

My boat's gotta float til May the 15th LOL 

My 2 billion seconds on this planet.

Bipolar and OCD with numbers

1 comment:

  1. Talking to dead people is like talking to an absent relative or friend. My best mate died nearly 25 years ago from cancer and I still talk to him. Sometimes I think he influences what happens after our talks but that's just me. I mean, for example...no one can control the weather can they and the weather forecasters are not always correct?
