Saturday, October 26, 2019

trying to think of a clever title

Aren't politics boring and petty or is it just me?

I am always reminded of this story of Watchmen Nee
(some dangerous idealist Chinese would say and I might agree)

When he was in England and everyone was excited about some war or some football game
he would remain calm because he was just passing by,
a perfect methaphor to being a pilgrim on earth.

On social medias we see many getting all excited or getting their knickers in a twist over local sports or politics. 

American politics seem to be a major concern for many wherever they live.

(Maybe due to the fact that America OWNS most media) 

All I can think of is THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

All of this is
so provincial:
Two words that come quite often in my blog.

I know we are supposed to be limited
by Dunbar number 

and we are nothing but advanced ape

but could we just for a moment

enlarge our mind, our perception:


AND YES besides the Dunbar number limitations we are also crippled with the 

Dunning-Kruger effect 

so yeah the comments will never cease as we have a growing supply of below average people like George Carlin said:

"Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are stupider than that."

Half of 7,739,584,089  

is an awful lot of stupidity

Seven billion is so last decade! :P 
(has reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011.)


that is nearly 4 BILLION IGNORANUS.

All this entropy will lead to a major nuclear fission soon.

Maybe there is a reason
for this Dunbar's number 

and maybe we should be

tribal provincial and parochial after all 

what is the point of trying to grasp it all 

when we don't have the brain to do it, 

we don't have the neocortex size.

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