Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Styx vs Jordan


Many religions associate a river with death.

Personally I find the Styx much more appealing than the Jordan if one is to choose his own mythology.  

Even Valhalla sounds better with all its mead! :)

This man made idea of heaven is quite absurd once one starts to think a little.

Sit on a cloud and worship a megalomaniac petty narcissistic god if not totally psychotic with all his temper tantrums.

No sex no booze no food from what I gather?
Let me guess no drugs and rock and roll either I bet? 

no eat and drink and be merry and enjoy the woman of your youth etc

It is not like we can be great intellectuals either what the fuck would we do with great intellects on our cloud with a harp?

So much ink has been wasted on the subject or so many ones and zeros as I call it now since all this typing if I am not mistaken if you get down the the bottom line is nothing short of a binary system passing by a hexadecimal translation somewhere if I remember anything about my informatic classes.

But bottom line here 99.9% of it is nothing short of vain speculations and well keno phonia empty sounds.  The fibrillating of an active mind that does not have the intelligence to comprehend anything at all, The fears and imaginations of cavemen basically passed on to our so-called modern times.

Nature basically says to 99.9999999 % of the species (some would say creation): 

Once you're dead, you're dead.
That's it.

Some sensitive and soft mind might wanna create a dog heaven but no one ever created a bee heaven or a rat heaven or an ant even or any of the other countless species out there. 

Come to think of it would a fish heaven include water or not?

But we special apes utterly filled with hubris said: Oh No Not Us! 

( I wonder when and where that one came into our stories: hubris) 

We are SPECIAL! 

Some said WE ARE CHOSEN. 

And others said only us know how to drink tea properly and we will force the whole world to do so even though we don't even grow FUCKING tea.

Others wanted rubber and didn't mind cutting a few thousands hands to get it
and to this day still
King Leopold and Queen Victoria
are considered some of
the greatest humans that ever lived.

And also there was a great great need in the world to shove this Good News, this gospel down the throat of pagans and other uncouth even if we had to kill them to do so.

So I am not sure what we got here, nothing that has not been said but I feel like a minor Douglas Adams here, a minor intellectual as I said many times before; a poet, a philosopher, a FAILURE.

A prophet of no profit.

So here you  go you create your own heaven if you wish whatever makes your boat float.

As for me my boat is sinking and like the German coast guard in the funny ad
we will never know what I'm sinking about.

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