Sunday, November 15, 2020

There is nothing either good or bad


Protestants think Catholics are bad.

Catholics think Protestants are bad.

Sunni think Shiite are bad.

Shiite think Sunni are bad.

in each religion there is a gazillion of schisms and sects 

who ALL think their group is better.

Jews are the chosen

Goyim are bad.

It only spells one word and one word only:


Conscience is utterly useless.

Con- Science = WITH Knowledge. (Epistemology)

A Catholic thinks it is a sin to miss a mass and his conscience bothers him.

A Protestant thinks it is an abomination to go to a mass and his conscience bothers him.

You would think that murder should be a no no in all directions but change the word to sacrifice or holy war and all bets are off.

Lying is rampant and what is just as rampant is adultery and promiscuity and that among the most religious figures and all the high society. (Epstein comes to mind here)
Royalty also with their countless bastards all over the place: Hypocrisy in the highest places.

And it is not the promiscuity or the lying itself like Shakespeare said it is to pretend that these are bad while you bathe in it in secret.

If I had to choose a side on the Christian or the Muslim I would certainly choose Protestant or Sunni.  

To ascertain  that one human being can be infallible is nothing short of madness.

Anyway I wish I could ponder more on the subject of morality since it has been the source of contention and much blood poured throughout the centuries.

Here is another one too similar to the Catholics or Shiite, civilisations like the Khmers or Egyptians and many others who made their kings gods: 

(or rather their kings made themselves gods)

an idea with nothing with trouble and disappointments.

Look at al the wild "Morality"  wars going on in USA right now!!!

American Christianity is an absolute Circus: 

a diseased pool of greed and lies and delusions, Lies and Deceits.

Mind you the field is not clear when it comes to atheism, just as in many religions every one is an authority, a pope, a little napoleon.

Some of them being found out with their pants down as well just as in the rest of the world: Lawrence Krauss, David Silverman etc

France has some distinctive different rules for sure when it comes to keep it in your pants. :) 

Enough for now I will not solve the problem of this hypocritical world in a million years.

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