Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My boring story or June /July 2021

 Thursday June 3rd Nabila and the famous mindfuck :P

As I was discussing things with my psychologist Nabila I mentioned I used to meditate before and kind of stopped and she said well won't you start again? And I said well you know me and the big D word we're not really good friends: D being Discipline.

And she said (knowing me a little) Why don't you think of it as ROUTINE then instead of DISCIPLINE.

You LIKE routine. And there we went from there.

Started Meditation on Friday June 4th and I barely missed a day ever since, 

(maybe one but I am not sure). 

If I don't start at my set time 4PM I do it before or after it doesn't matter but I get it done before tea time (6:30PM here)

And to this I gradually added Walking Meditation following instructions from my fav monk: Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu a "kid" from Ontario, my son's age.

Walking meditation went well for a few days just walking around the park at the end of the driveway and then just became walking.

Fast forward to around June 18th and I saw a video of a black guy telling a story and saying that day that he looked black more than ever with his do-rag and this timbs. Googling both I said Hey I GOT TIMBS:) Those walking boots I bought in England barely used.


So I started wearing those instead of my faithful New Balance 857 who had taken me for a gazillion steps in Montreal in 2018 and Arles in 2017.

Then I started noticing an infection on my left big toe which kept getting worse and worse and me being the space cadet that I am never put two and two together  but started taking antibiotics instead. Then this infection really flared up after my 5000 steps on July 3rd.

Things got worse and weather didn't help so my walking really diminished after that until I went to see my GP on Thursday and then an emergency meeting with my podiatrist on Friday  July 16th who just pulled the dead nail right out took one look at my boots and said here is your problem your left boot is too small. 

So now pain and infection free and one nail short I resumed my walking yesterday in that pouring rain just to go buy shoes.

So here I am back at the grind and trying to reestablish my walking and meditation routine.

Wednesday July 21st now and looking forward to my new routine.

Eventually it will add up to weight loss somewhere sometime :) but still in the meantime a better way to spend my time.

Next goal is to walk to the Indian Ocean It shouldn't be too difficult even if I HAVE to call for a ride back after.

857 to 624 

Now on the shoes well I have been an exclusive New Balance guy for donkeys years trying to always go up a number or two having been told but not verified that the higher the number the better shoe.

But this time I had to make an exception. As much as I LOVED my 857 and they have been very good to me for a million miles and many many years and I really wanted to repeat the experience but the $200 tag price was just a little more than I was ready to pay. 

So after much shopping and 4000 + steps I decided to opt for a pair of 624 for $70 which will have to do for now. 

They had a good run today at 7000 steps and I am looking forward to crank up the mileage on those in the near future. Usually my shoes only get a beating when I travel (i.e. Montreal and Arles) but now they will get their money's worth locally.

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  1. Both of my big toe nails have been gone for over 20 years and my too small shoes have been given to Goodwill. Numerous and serious toe infections, and 3 nailectomies-one twice- and I just don’t Dick around with the old piggies anymore. I use heavy work safety shoes and boots when I can’t wear my slides. The heavy ones are the only footwear that give me enough support to be able to walk around on concrete all day.

  2. I've learned there are shoes I am unable to wear in Winter as it aggravates my chilblains. Which is strange, as my feet seem to shrink in the cold and expand in the heat, so they must be too cold even wearing the thicker socks in the more space-y shoes! Currently alternating between gumboots (outside) and sheepskin slippers (inside). Leather shoes are town visiting apparel - warm and waterproof. All exercise walking is done on the treadmill so I'm not enduring the freezing cold wind. Pleased to read your problem was more simple than you thought, though damned uncomfortable, and possibly costly.

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