Monday, June 6, 2022

We live under the grand delusion that we matter...

 We live under the grand delusion that we matter...

... partly because our conception of time is extremely myopic.

My great great grandfather married 3 times had 21 children 

and I am the product of his number 17 

There is already an infinitesimal chance of "our" sperm winning that race multiply this now by an infinitesimal number of "what ifs' and well here we are against all odds.

‘O me! O life! Of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?’

Answer: That you are here - FOR NOW

 that life exists, FOR NOW

and identity; FOR NOW

that the powerful play goes on FOR NOW

and you may contribute a verse. FOR NOW

That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.

What will your verse be?

in 9 billion years ( the total existence of the earth if we are to believe some scientists, considering the solar system may not survive the Andromeda / Milky Way Collision)

in 9 billion years from now what will your verse be?

I'll tell you. Your little verse if you ever had one will be

ATOMISED, VAPORISED, ANNIHILATED and scattered all over the universe with no records left and no one to measure those records like this tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it.

“I know this will come as a shock to you, Mr. Goldwyn, but in all history, which has held billions and billions of human beings, not a single one ever had a happy ending.”

― Dorothy Parker

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