Wednesday, December 20, 2023

14 years ago

Hello little blog! Long time no see.
I just missed your birthday. You turned 14 years old on Dec 12th, which is coincidentally also Sue's Birthday and Our Anniversary: we just 'celebrated' our 22nd and you were born on our 9th.

Anyway since no one ever reads you here it goes I just read somewhere it was good for mental health to write mindlessly.

What is it gonna be today? One thing is coming for sure it is the usual trigger that brings me here something about assholes blabbering that not doing nothing in front of injustices is participating in the evil and other bullshit and verbal diarrhoea when you get famous and are given a soap box and think you are the final authority in everything, names like Tutu and MLK come to mind.

But before I move on to that now more pondering about LIFE and DEATH now.

Obviously the fact that I am sitting here typing means I am still part of the living  rather than the other option and I just saw a funny video about a machine that tells you when you are going to die and what of. 

For one thing I wouldn't stick my finger in this machine myself as I don't wanna know. Apparently there ARE tests and questionnaires that give you quite an accurate answer but STILL I don't wanna know.

Just lost my sister this year and nearly lost my brother and still don't wanna know as the leaves on our trees keep falling.
Will I be singing with Tom Waits "I'm the Last Leaf on the Tree"?
Probably not but who knows?

Sure I could live better sure I could eat better exercise more bla bla bla do intermittent fasting and run a marathon but the big question is


I am strong believer in extrapolation and extrapolation says I won't change a fucking thing since I never did.

I am Pavlov's Dog tied to a post digging deeper circles at the end of my chain.

So far the RNG gods have allowed me to live longer than my father and that is all I know.
Where will the dash end?
We should find out soon enough 1955-20??

In the meanwhile now back to my trigger and that famous word INJUSTICE.

talk about a semantic minefield  a nuclear linguistic,
a word invented by our sick fuck minds.
Morality is man made

For one thing Mr. Self-Righteous
Where the fuck do we start? 
Which one?
Do you have any clue of how many trillions injustice there are in this world?
of course your pet one IS the one what was I thinking?

For another thing are you aware of the length that those who perpetrate these injustices will go to stop you interfering with them? Life is worthless to them and especially your life.

For another thing also who do you set your priorities?

I am always amazed at all these vegans animal lovers activists as 
my thinking goes to billions of children and women and men and poor people who are getting fucked every single day every single minute and you want to take care of animals first?
How about we get rid of the ANIMALS among us first and then we can move on to animals?

Anyway it is as far as I am concerned a lost cause 
pretty well what I mean  every time I have said

As to you Self Righteous activists whatever your name is 
AFAIAC again there is only one sin (as much as I hate that word too)

and the sin is Self Righteousness
Deluded fools who lift their noses on other human beings and dehumanise them rising themselves above the hoi polloi who think they are fucking ENLIGHTENED and even CHOSEN.

Minding my own business is not cowardice and just accepting reality stoically.
The age of martyrs and kamikazes is over,

It could be summed up in a couple of songs really as I always do.

Your Last Bold Move ~ Ani Di Franco and
Everybody Knows  ~ Leonard Cohen

So keep on living little blog for a little while until all your ONES and ZEROS get lost in cyberspace way way before this whole solar system explodes and dies out and all of our heroic deeds are completely forgotten and fall into OBLIVION with all the rest of us the hundreds of billions that lived and breathed on this planet not mentioning the other trillions of life forms that also passed by as important as us if not even more 

Over and Out for now

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