Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I was listening to Americans talking about Chinese today
and earlier on about the UK and its MI6 and Russia and what not
and all of it sounded to me like propaganda.

To One the Others are always evil and ONE is ALWAYS good.
To US we are good and THEM/THEY are evil, always.

I wish I or someone would have an IQ out of this world and a mind so utterly expanded some would say godlike to see things as they really are.

To the Chinese (and to so other many nations too) the Americans are the evil one with their power and their intere$t$.  

To Chinese also Japanese were the ultimate evil as they were to Americans around the same time.  Japan and Germany were the epitome of evil and now we buy their cars and IT shit.

To the Chinese also Great Britain was the ultimate enemy, profiteering colonisation with the import also of opium in order to steal tea or silk or whatever.

If Mexico sending all their cocaine to the USA is bad therefore
the UK sending opium to China is ALSO bad.

As Brassens used to paraphrase a French expression saying something like turning your tongue around 7 times before you say anything basically saying think before you move or say something
He said if you turn the butt of your rifle (or AK47) seven times your enemy becomes your ally or friend.

But anyway as I said or am trying to say it is just IMPOSSIBLE to decipher rhetoric and propaganda from any side.  No one is smart enough, unbiased enough or knowledgeable enough to sift through the amount of life much bigger than our space garbage and ocean garbage and what not.

but what if? 
what if someone could see everything as it really is now?

Thing is we white people are not the goodies or even the majority and our history is nothing but a bunch of lies and propaganda and white washing.  Americans do dirty dirty tricks in others' countries and in other people's affairs and so does the UK and China and Russia and billions of people of every country.

I'd like to end I guess with Solomon Burke's song:

None of us are FREE 
One of us is chained 

None of us are FREE.

and none of us is innocent either.

We all partake in the propaganda and swallow oceans of it.

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