Thursday, April 2, 2020

Musical Choices?

Répertoire  ou

Les  goûts et les couleurs

les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas

there’s no accounting for taste


To Each His Own

les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas
is a French saying I repeat often
especially when it comes to music.

One of my fav subjects even though as I just realised I am NOT a musician, 
I could not tell a time signature to save my life even, and that too might have influenced my choices among many other things.

I understand that some artists are often musicians' musicians.

I would think Nick Cave and even Rush would fit in that category among others.

So where does it begin really? From early childhood for sure I remember singing She Loves You from a very early childhood 
and with very little English that I had at the time 
with a love like that quickly became with a dog black cat. :P

I remember ruining a 45 RPM trying desperately to understand the very last words of
Badfinger's Baby Blue, 

My Dixie Dear just wasn't in my limited vocab and there was no internet to get the lyrics way back then just good old needle scratching ad nauseum.

And then Adolescence probably the most formative years music wise.

Being born in 55 and hitting the teenage years at the very end of 68 was well the best timing ever.
Even though in hindsight also being French Canadian with little English until my early 20's might have affected my choice.

I mean I have "Common Likes" basically the Classics:
Led Zep
Black Sabbath
Pink Floyd
Deep Purple
and I must forget a few

I have peculiar likes
like Babe Ruth for instance First Base a British Band who apparently hit it hard in Montreal but fail to break the ice elsewhere.

Also I have peculiar likes timely likes like being introduced to 
( I know it's a lot of likes lol) 
Elvis Costello at a particular time which resulted in me Loving "All This Useless Beauty" and "Blood and Chocolate" and not caring much for the rest of  his work.

Not sure if King Crimson is a classic or peculiar one now as I ONLY love the In the Court of the Crimson King album
Did I say love?
I mean worship! 😛

Ani DiFranco came along with a big bang also 
so did Georges Brassens for a long time 
where I listened to every song they ever made

I have been a fan of a lot of Serge Lama also for years also due to my sister's boyfriend love of him way back then.

I missed a shitload of bandwagons for reasons

Jetho Tull
Uriah Heep
and many more

So now if I was to do the rhetorical old desert island dilemma it would be a hard choice and I hate making choices but let's give it a quick try


Supertramp -Crime of the Century
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
CCR- Cosmo's Factory
and errrrr thinking now
First thing that comes to mind oddly is Babe Ruth - First Base
of course all this could change in the next 5 seconds so I ll leave it at this for now

in alphabetical order now
1. Babe Ruth - First Base

2. damn damn damn lol lol I just realised I CANNOT go on this desert island now without Tom Waits I can live without Brassens and without Ani even though I'd miss 'em but I can't live without Tom now but the toughest choice of all is WHICH album now??????

Funny cuz while I was typing all that Tom was playing in the background and yes On the Nickel would be a good choice but but but even though Heart Attack and Vine has always been one of my all time five I would miss the old Small Change or Bone Machine or Mule Variations even some of the Orphans especially the Bawlers.
Unlike many fans 

Rain Dogs and Swordfishtrombones 
are not that high on my list 
in fact I prefer the early stuff Closing Time etc
so rewrite already Babe Ruth has been slain by Tom Waits unless we go to a top 10 list

1. CCR- Cosmo's Factory
2. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
3. Pink Floyd - DSOTM OF COURSE (WYWH is a strong contender)
4. Supertramp -Crime of the Century
5. Tom Waits - Heart Attack and Vine

Even though I'd like to cheat on this last one and add Tom Traubert's Blues to it

So here it is for now most of my choices are OLD and ANCIENT!

Many more would come to surface as the times roll

I have spells of

Bob Seger
Dwight Yoakam
Kenny Rogers even
Johnny Cash
Leonard Cohen
James Blunt
Alanis Morrisette
Guns N' Roses
Dr Hook
Dire Straits
Les Colocs a great Quebec band
Bernard Adamus another great Quebec artist
Veronique Sanson
Amos Lee
Amy Winehouse
AC/DC once in a while
Neil Young (not big on CSNY or CSN)

Dont really have a Bob Dylan spell.

and I forgot 

Alice Cooper (how could I?)

will have to stop here I suppose as brain is getting older and tired but here it is in a nutshell anyway 

1 comment:

  1. Rip off the mask and let's see.
    But that's not right - oh no, what's the story?
    But there's you and there's me.'s a cliche but it is the soundtrack to our lives and I can often find a year because of a song and place myself on a timeline.
    Some great choices there.
    What I liked about the past was that people experienced things en mass (sorry about the spelling).
    Sure there were pop charts, rock charts and country charts, but the music stayed there long enough so that like it or not we all had some experience of it.
    Days of Our Lives, Dallas and other shows like it were watched by many and we all hypothesised over the cliffhangers and what the outcome might be. We had shared experiences of music, film, TV and it did bring us together.
    Diversity has driven us apart in many ways, and the sheer outpouring and the speed that music is churned out at means that we don't experience it for long and we don't share that experience. Instead of being culturally cohesive, it's now all very individual and people simply won't tolerate music they don't like.
