Thursday, August 20, 2020

Everybody Knows

 I might sound like a conspiracy nutter but Cointelpro or the powers that be, or big money, or what the fuck is programming us to be like TEFAL:

Totally outraged about one thing today
 and another thing tomorrow
and utterly ineffective to change whatsoever permanently.

Apparently angry people click more
and more clicks equals more money.

Be outraged, click, click, click and then move on.

It reminds me of a line in Rwanda Hotel

Paul Rusesabagina: I am glad that you have shot this footage and that the world will see it. It is the only way we have a chance that people might intervene.

Jack: Yeah and if no one intervenes, is it still a good thing to show?

Paul Rusesabagina: How can they not intervene when they witness such atrocities?

Jack: I think if people see this footage they'll say, "oh my God that's horrible," and then go on eating their dinners.[pause] Jack: What the hell do I know?

Nothing is really happening in Hong Kong to change the course of events

Nothing is happening in Syria to change the course of events.

Nothing is happening in Israel to change the course of events.

Vietnam was for nothing.

Afghanistan was for nothing.

Nothing is happening in hundreds of countries where human rights are non-existent.

The state of the workers and of women is still medieval for millions if not billions
even in so called first world countries.

Wars still exist and hatred and racism;
Health care is poor in so many places.
Education is tragically neglected.
Quite the contrary in fact myths and delusions and ignorance prevails for billions.

Still Trillions are spent on blood pouring armaments.

Brave New World indeed that they have created.

News are just a lie and a paid selective distraction to keep us busy the equivalent of Rome's Du Pain et des Jeux. Not mentioning the other trillions spent on entertainment and professional sports to keep the hooligans busy. That Rwanda statement was back in 1995 and 9/11 seems to have been the breaking point for any possible revolution.

I can blame the Medazepam for this blog LOL

Mind you these have always been my thoughts
as long as I am allowed or programmed to have thoughts :P

The Box has been fixed.

or as Leonard Cohen said:

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

Everybody knows the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor, the rich get rich

That's how it goes

Everybody knows


  1. That's the thing though, some people know, not everybody knows, it's all lost in stories.

    1. Who knows what everybody knows? :)
      I think that Adam Curtis' film, Hypernormality has affected me more than it should in this day and age of confinement mental fragility. I always loved his stuff but that was a gloomy 3 hours
      So this blog was a bit of an answer to this.
      I think he has a strong point that things now are getting way beyond our little comprehension of what is going on
