Saturday, February 20, 2021

Here we go again...

Triggered, outraged by some minor fact of modern semantics and it sends me thinking again.

What a bad nasty habit I have.

SMH over the pitiful state of this whole world
I can't help but wonder what would make it better,  

what would make it "PERFECT".

As I wrote many times we are utterly FUBAR engineering. 
We are but good for the scrapyard or the crematorium.

Despite all of our gods and heroes and saviours
we have never ever come close to an acceptable society.

To reluctantly quote an outdated book:

"all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god, 

god or Laplace's demon or a million other myths out there.

What kind of god would let this jungle continue for millions of years anyway?

Mysterious ways indeed or just one of our many defaulted coping mechanisms?

It is hard nah nearly impossible if not totally impossibur to even imagine a perfect world as we are so utterly limited and not engineered to do so.  To dream about it perhaps but to do it or come close to an acceptable solution? NOT in a trillion years.

What would that world even include?

Well certainly NO WARS it seems so obvious and also no poverty.

I was going to say no stupidity but here we are back at Harrison Bergeron again. The problem is way way beyond human intelligence as the best of the best have proven again and again to be utterly useless.

Vonnegut who was riling against intelligence in Harrison Bergeron's dystopia seems to underestimate the power of a moronic mob.

So-called intelligence here is useless as well as it seems to only skewered the deal. Many "intelligent" men have committed atrocities after atrocities.

I know I keep repeating myself over and over and it is not by raising the subject over and over that any of us will find a solution
but maybe just maybe 

a universal AWARENESS 

of our shortcomings would be a good first step in the right direction?

I would like to think that Huxley had a glimpse of it despite the controversy.
There will always be controversy.

People all point at China and their handling of information while the west gladly does the same thing and no one raises an eyebrow.

It reminds me of that meme.

Criticising the handling of religion while other countries are overwhelmed by it and their hands tied in political correctness Gordian knots. (France comes to mind here)

Try managin 1 billion people and tell me how well you would do?

Look at how we manage 300 million here?

Who is to say that China's Empire would be much worse than the American Empire or Fuck Forbid the British Epire and all their atrocities quickly forgotter and swept under the carpet.

White people do not have a white record.

So back to my Utopia? Like Axl Rose I ask: 

Where do we go now?

No war, No poverty. EQUALITY 

(which according to Peterson might be impossible, parietal distribution and what not)

and absolutely a UNIVERSAL FREE HEALTH  access for everyone.

It would seem to me also so primordial that religion would have no place at all in this "New World Order" as it has brought nothing but poison from powerless people usurpating a power that does not exist to control the masses.

So right here we have huge disagreement and the perfect image of the IMPOSSIBLE DREAM.

I really ought to reread BRAVE NEW  WORLD again.

Again I am back at a world of Eloi  without the Morlocks.

Why is it an absolute necessity that we MUST have Morlocks all the fucking time? 

I will never know.

Eloi were a bit like Harrison Bergeron's world without the government. 

As always GOVERNMENT is always part of the problem and

ANARCHY is not a solution either.

How would one separate the wealth equally and wisely?

Mind you in this "perfect world" the world of entertainment would suffer tremendously. HAPPY PEOPLE have no history and it is hard to write a show without a fucked up loser bent on self destruction apparently.  

A show where everyone keeps it in his pants or better has no qualms about pants sharing lol (again France comes into mind here)

The earth is big enough for all of us but our minds are so so tiny and petty that the earth might have to do without us soon.

And so be it I guess. Darwin's Natural Selection at its best.

What would your Utopia include now?

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