Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Long overdue


A blog long in brewing

Not sure if people realise as Sting says How Fragile we are 

But I wonder even more if they realise how LIMITED we are?

Your Truly included.

One of the things that seems to be such a LIMITING factor
it seems to me lately is simply

I was listening to Jordan Petersen who thinks he is so smart and he certainly is (so was the Unabomber) and how he is trying to take the government down him being so conservative and so anti- Liberal and anti-Trudeau and I thought well of course you are you were born in Alberta FFS. Land of the nouveau riches and oil magnates. 

And he is trying to take the government down because his PERSONAL banking was delayed for a couple of days.
Boohoohoo. Poor baby.

So many people are like that though, going antivax because their vaccines hurt a little or had bad side effects brought along by their own NOCEBO having read too much wrong info on the subject and therefore EXPECTING these reactions. The mind is a funny thing I will find out soon myself as I am going for my booster in a week(3rd vaccine, first two were just fine)

Also the one who becomes a strong atheist for emotional reason like God did not let THEIR child live and doesn't approve or their homosexuality  or some other twist.

Same with vaccines and the pandemic so many getting pissed off because their little world is disturbed, not anymore disturbed than the million others who try to take things stoically.

All nouveau riches it is well know switch from the left to the right when they get into a bit of riches.

At first they were like let's have a good education for all and free healthcare and a promotion of the arts but then they go 


Very few new wealthy people resist the temptation to become turncoat. 

Not only politics though but Geography will also SHAPE your religion and your language and we all know that different languages shape the mind differently.

So it gets me pondering at times on this so-called FREE WILL???

Are we really free? I have seen some very young kids who were not free at all and will never be, just being born at the wrong place at the wrong time in highly disfavourable socio-economic conditions.

Just for myself as an example I will never be free of the deep scarring my mother has done to me never ever and I wonder sometimes how I set myself free from the bondage of religion I was under for so many years in different forms?

The language itself being French or English or other is utterly filled with religious mythological expression like this was hell or naming a missile Hellfire or Brahmos in India.

Plus the million nuances of the engrained fairy tales we have been told as true and again your personal fairy tale is somehow very very geographical and for some odd strange reason YOURS is ALWAYS the  Right one. Quelle Fucking Surprise! 

I wish I could study this Dunbar number some more but we ARE as a species EXTREMELY PAROCHIAL PROVINCIAL ...

TRIBAL here is that other word I keep forgetting.

We looked at some tribes as primitive but we ALL ARE that primitive tribe very very limited in this very very  limited brain of ours.  Brain again that we think so much smarter than we really are. Here is that Dunning-Krueger again.

The poor people trying to scrape a living all over the world are not free or as Solomon Burke said

One of us is chained, None of us are free.

Read History, Read Zola's Germinal and ask yourself what choice did they have? None whatsoever.

Nothing new under the sun I pretty well said all that just a couple or years ago.

The pandemic has just highlighted how limited we really are.

So here we are like any other words you can also disregard mine as Paul Simon once said :P

All lies and jest

Still, a man hears what he wants to hear

And disregards the rest

Back in the days when you could STILL say a man and mean MANKIND :P 

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