Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 ...you have been so neglected. 

Nearly April and hardly any post at all.

Tempus Fugit!

Today was a rough day well this whole month has been so far.

Where to start?

The  bittersweet feeling of meeting and "losing" a friend all in one day?
Well  kind of lost in geography anyway!

More on that later I am sure.

The loss of my psychologist I had to more than 2 years?

Moving on to green pasture leaving me in the desert.

The trashing I had today  chess which makes me question my whole life?

The fact that I keep losing won games time after time
questioning my sanity,
my motives for keeping at it
and the whole ageing brain situation?

The fact I don't have a shrink anymore to talk about that?

Always tired these days mind you the Diablo madness that has been going on did not help.

First Diablo 3 Season 28 which kept me manic for almost 2 weeks having so many loops to jump for 2 accounts.

Pavlov's dog not questioning why do you have to jump all these loops/hoops?

Then the week end madness of Diablo 4 Beta!

Figured since I paid for it might as well enjoy myself.

And I did.

Now with the Montreal holiday coming in July all is kind of culminating to total madness,

3 months and 10 days should go fast especially June considering D4 is supposed to come out for real.

Next week end will be spent in the 2nd D4 Beta for sure.

Now what I have to work out is what do I do with chess???

Gotta get back to my walks too if the temperature can cool down a bit and my knee heal a little better.

O yeah not mentioning my dummy spit at the Autumn Centre this week.

I am usually very agreeable and not much for confrontation but this time I lost it. Felt a little bad about it but dealing with it a little better now. They had it coming! LOL.

I was looking at the OCEAN 5 traits  on this Agreeableness of which I think I am pretty high being Canadian and a wuss etc LOL and then the next one was
and I said well I am pretty HIGH on that one too and Sue had a good chuckle!

The Story?

Well again I was struggling losing a won game with Milan who has been trashing me for days now and some lady next to us was showing videos on her phone to her friend next to her and I lost it.

Could you make less noise please I am trying to think?

- But we were here first

Me: - It doesn't matter who was first! Manners are Manners!

Must have work cuz they were talking very softly after.

(Should have thanked them)


Today was much quieter but I STILL LOST! LOL

After a long long 2 hours struggle where I was winning all the way
and then one brain fart and GAME OVER Red Rover~

I was so so upset at myself.
I wanted to quit there and then.

They still managed to coax me into another loss. 

Anyway full week ahead!
Perth tomorrow!
Doctor Thursday,
Massage Friday and maybe more chess
and then Full Diablo IV Beta week end practicing with Druid and Necro.

But this entropy is really bugging me.

Couldn't even manage a simple Sudoku just before starting to write this.

67 and a few projects on the back burner:

Montreal July 2023 and

Lyon June 2024.

Now I gotta live that long and hope to have some brains left when I come back~ 

Voila for the catch up

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