Sunday, April 2, 2023

Where did all this people go Who had something to tell???


Où est allé tout ce monde

Qui avait quelque chose à raconter???

Where did all this people go

Who had something to tell???

Disparu! Vanished~! Avalé! Détruit~

Utterly entirely buried in a pile of manure the size of Jupiter.

1:40 PM 

5,404,163Blog posts written today

516,524,270Tweets sent today

and not counting the millions and millions of YouTube videos and the millions and millions of Facebook and YouTube ADDICTIVE Short Reels.

I don't know~ as an ageing disillusioned boomer I know we always miss the point at we get older but still...

It seems to me that Aldous Huxley has won hands down against George Orwell!

Where Orwell was trying to control the quantity  of news and media Huxley got us drowning in it.

‘Oh wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! Oh brave new world,

That has such people in’t.’

Prospero retorts: ‘Tis new to thee!’ Shakespeare is also using the phrase ironically, so Huxley’s novel not only takes its title from Shakespeare but is also mirroring its tone.

These words were obviously spoken by a very sheltered Miranda, very innocent and very ignorant.

Was it better in the old days when people had access to old libraries and read the classics and the old mythologies and the old TALES???

Because raconter being a raconteur is exactly this:


I mean not so long ago we had good raconteur
hell Tom Waits comes to mind here among many others.

Now we have cheap cheap cheap clickbait hunters by the millions obviously paid by the minute like one of these scamming psychic or sex lines of old.


Content Creator!?!?!? (make gagging sound here)

Influencers FFS! (make puking / retching sounds here)

Millions and millions of short reelers all trying to grab your attention some not even trying at all.

And yet nothing is said, nothing is done, no wisdom is gained, no knowledge is reached. 

They should ALL bare my name!


Empty Sounds.


Soap Boxers of the Areopagus of old~!

Drowned daily in sounds and wanna be entertainers.

To paraphrase the good ole KJV here

Wherewithal shall a young man FIND his way?

Or an Old Man for that matter.


I admit it is getting hard to get away from this misery

as if this whole generation was programmed like Pavlov's dog.

I do believe we do suffer programmation of some sort daily

Sometime we just call it CULTURE

as in being CULTIVATED just like the good veggies we are.

It is more visible and obvious from the OUTSIDE.

Get out of your environment for a while and come back to it

And open your eyes and ears and see and hear.

When did my people all became robots? 


Same everywhere a strong current of indoctrination everywhere you go:
French being French, B
rits being Brits,
Chinese being Chinese
Ad Vitam Aeternam and Ad Nauseum.

So this ZEITGEIST has all of us becoming utterly stupid 

running towards IDIOCRACY and IGNORANCE.  SMH!!!

News are not News!

Facts are not Facts!

And like Van the man says:

Everybody is trying to sell me some SHITE*

Streamers and YouTubers and what not making a killing out of stupidity and mob rules.

*Don't know who's round the corner, 

trying to sell me some more tripe


So ALL in ALL I STILL don't know

Wherewithal shall a young man FIND his way?

Or an Old Man for that matter.

but I hope to find out one day! :P 

And don't give me the KJV answer now!

Been There! Done that!

Bought the T-Shirt! Went to the Conference.

Read the damn book 7 times
 and tried to live it for a long long time
before I SAW THE LIGHT! :P 

There has to be some secular logical answer to that question now! 

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