Sunday, August 21, 2016

Remembrance of Things Past or Swan's Way

Revisiting the past here checking old comments I missed and the traffic or lack of thereof on my little tiny irrelevant dying blog.

223 chapters. 3 followers. (all rellies)
some hits here and there with a few over 100!


I did better with my YouTube channel hitting the jackpot with what I felt was missing back then. 

225,060 VIEWS on one video! 

Strangely enough my personal videos have hit the magic number of 25 which also seems to be the average on my blog. 

Wow! MVP here!

MIP even Most Influential Person on Earth!

Dec 5th 2009 nearly 7 years old 
and much water has passed under the bridge since.

As I reread myself and catch up on old missed rare comments I like what I see mostly. 
Sometimes I have no fucking clue of what I was talking about but eh that is me. 

It doesn't lessen what I consider gems in many of them and quotable quotations more valuable than Reader's Digest's.

So here it goes for number 224 anyway and what I consider 

my Legacy

my Book

My Mind

My Heart My Soul

What will be left of me for a short time after I am gone

My Ones and My Zeros

all my crazy little thoughts and opinions obviously one tracked and left sided

at 224 chapters I will soon compete with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky and even Proust himself.
Up there with Balzac and Dickens and the rest of them.

but so much better than them though! :)

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