Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I cannot put my finger on it now

I cannot put my finger on it now 
The child is grown
The dream is gone

My comment on a post today.

Why give a nobody with 3000 followers more attention than needed for a few clicks of your "own"?
Don't we have enough idiotic sycophants in this world without creating more?
Are we fighting stupidity or promoting it?
Are you part of the problem
or part of the solution?

(this is how a virus spreads BTW)

I myself I guess would be
more part of the problem than of the solution 

but the thing is I don't think there IS a solution. 

One cannot stop a tsunami.

Black Mirror after all is nothing short 
of an exponential social extrapolation.

The problem is not exactly that there is a lot of crap out there.
The comments, the posts, the horror, the horror...

The problem IS
that the crap finds
so many buyers / followers.

Back in the days you had to travel miles and work and talk your ass off to gather a dozen disciples 
but now all you gotta do is twitter
or blog
... a bit like I do 😈

What is the German word now for
"to find pleasure in trash"?




or Plain Scary Lunacy?

Call it Bachelor, Housewives, Kardashians,
or what not Trash is Trash is Trash.

Obviously the trend is here to remain for a long long time and nothing will stop it
not the government in China or anyone.

In fact most governments are probably all for this shite 
given the principle of "du pain et des jeux"

Entertain the masses and keep them out of all our dark armaments schemes and bribes and money laundering and corruption.

So in the end maybe Huxley was closer than Orwell 
(so much entertainment and choices
for our daily SOMA)

but Orwell has its grip in it too 

in the wave of "surveillance" coming 
be it in the Chinese form 

or just the Call Out Culture 
ruining shitloads of lives 

just as good as Salem 
or the Spanish Inquisition.

Not even mentioning vitriolic bloggers 
who create lynching mobs 
or crazy self-righteous Lone Ranger Assassin.

So there is nothing to do about it except maybe 

watch and weep 
and be horrified 
like Colonel Kurtz / Marlon Brando.

1 comment:

  1. I love that despite your scepticism and cynicism, you still try and make sense of it all, searching through file after file, making connections, and then ending up deciding that there is no sense to be found.
