Friday, February 21, 2020

I can only imagine...

But I could have told you, Vincent This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you 
~ Don McLean

How can I tell you I'm rarer than most I'm certain as a lost dog Pondering a sign post  ~ Elvis Costello

Truth is I'm prolly not beautiful nor rare! :|

But all my life I have pretty well been an outsider a stranger in my most inner thoughts for as long as I can remember.

Thing is about that feeling is 
that it is a self fulfilling prophecy 
the less you fit 
the more "they" make you feel like you don't fit.

But really this planet,
this supposed "creation"
could have been so so much better.

I mean from a super all-knowing, all loving, all powerful so-called dog err I mean god;

 I guess I have to agree with Woody Allen here 
what a goddamn underachiever.

Funniest thing is even to think of improvement is counter-productive.

The so-called Eugenics,
(eu supposed to be meaning "good" )
is a complete nightmare subject as proven time and again by so many including Hitler and the latest assault in Hanau, Germany.

Everyone who even mentions the word puts himself in a deep hole of shit: the likes of Attenborough and Richard Dawkins have shown us so.

Even though Steven Pinker is trying to tell is things are better I tend to take all the latest mind scientists fads with a huge grain of salt.  

Him and Jonathan Haidt have not passed the test of time yet and from my humble opinion they won't.

For one thing I always wonder why all these "authorities" HAVE to come from a background that was the beginning of so many troubles: 
the establishment of lies and myths and shame and guilt and fucking control. 
Oh sure there were many myths and lies before them and as a matter of fact they stole many of their myths and lies from them like the Hammurabi code and made it the Hammurabi for Dummies going from 282 down to 10.

But they sure have been the beginning of many of the Western World troubles for sure and still are the old books still highly worshipped. 

We're not much influenced in the English speaking words by the words of
or the Bhagavad Gita
or the Sutras,
the Vedas,
and the Upanishads:
or other myths and lies.

Anyway I should write a new IMAGINE lol

Imagine a world where way overpaid athletes are not liars and deceivers and drama queens and play with honesty and truth?

Imagine a world where sports and science and politics is not corrupted by money and the power they can buy?

More over 

Imagine a world where you can go to school with JOY?

Not afraid of being different or being cruelly bullied by the less intelligent kids

the more intelligent not being any better and having their own petty bickering and undermining among themselves?

Imagine a world where you never never have to question whether something said is true or not?

Imagine a world where the only resilience you need is a physical one to combat all the forces that fight against life sometimes to save their own lives.  

If I go too far I ll end up in one of those fantasies again where the lion sleeps with the gazelle and the big fish doesn't eat the small fish.

Imagine a world where everyone is equal 
and have EVERYTHING they NEED.

All right all right it might not sell as well as Lennon song but IMAGINE?

And also please stop imagining false escapes like the rapture and better world propelled by a million dollar industry.

Thinking of the silly song I can only imagine here and the huge Christian music industry trying to get its bloody teeth in the huge market while pretending to be holier than thou.

Mega Churches with musical instruments so expensive to make a poor artist cry, Where one needs to lock the temple/barn  down with security systems and yes even DOGS I have seen it.

You wonder how they manage to read the fucking book? 

Talk about dichotomy, hypocrisy, and confirmation biases 

and all the little compartmental tricks a mind can play.

Oh well I could ramble til I am blue in the face
 it ain't gonna change nothing.

We certainly have come short of the glory
like they say

Way shorter than we will never be able to 



1 comment:

  1. That's a top comment from Woody Allen. Now there's a man who seems to understand humanity.
    “And I think the answer is that we are, in reality, terribly frail animals. And we don't like to be reminded of how frail we are—how delicate the balances are inside our own bodies, how short our stay on Earth, and how easily it is ended.”
    ― Michael Crichton, Sphere
