Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Ecce Homo


Words, Words, and more Words.

I was just listening to a short Jordan Peterson videos and he kept using two words that made me cringe every time:


Words that have been massacred over the millennium beyond errrr


So many religious words used in today's vernacular.

Words devoid of meaning by the very fact that everyone has a different definition of their meaning.

The good old proverb:

He who has a watch knows what time it is

He who has two watches knows nothing at all.

7 billion gods out there, 

7 billion devils, 

7 billion hells,

7 billion devils,

7 billion truths and 

7 quadrillion lies if not more.

In the days of COVID the word truth is becoming more and more sickening.

All I wanted to say to JP is the older I am getting the more I stand with the fictitious story of Pontius Pilate:


Same with redemption and such other words: atonement, sin etc.

Words all created to CONTROL others in what I would call an evil manner: another word used and misused: evil.

The idea behind redeem in French is to buy back, RACHETER, to pay some sort of ransom established by some vengeful holy god and administered of course by god's accountants aka priests and imams and what not. The only voice this non existent god has.  Religious leaders waving a huge big stick made out of air. (after all the words soul and spirit mean nothing but that: AIR)



I could go back to my old ramblings of course saying again that in the original New Testament Greek TRUTH is NOT a WORD.

It is a negation.  

And yes if there was less, much  less, concealment and hiding and devious deception it would be a better world I guess or would we just kill each other faster now?

But in my not so humble opinion JP being a great great mind don't get me wrong is as far as the truth as possible because again in my not so humble opinion the truth begins with the simple acceptance that obviously 


I would consider Stephen Fry in this case closer to the truth than Jordan Peterson even though bottom like is prolly that we are all each of us FULL OF SHIT.

But when you start mixing and confusing your truth with myth you get a very muddy, unhealthy mixture.

If I wasn't so deflated this week I'd go on also on redemption and all these songs and stories when the male ( and it is always the male) says I'll make it up to you, i.e. I'll redeem myself

Cynical translation: 

I fucked up, I really fucked but I want to get laid again.

The scars of lies and deception are usually very hard to completely erase.

The religious language is too invasive to cover properly.

Hell the Americans even call their war instruments: HELLFIRE.

Talk about self-righteousness when they are used to blow babies arms and bodies up to smithereens. 

so to use the same old semantics again

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? 

or even FIND his FUCKING  way?

By taking heed to whose words???? 

Please try to name a real EXISTING person.

As a matter of fact of course there is NO SUCH person the truth if there was one is scattered in a quadrillion pieces a little piece here and there in each one of us but usually as I said often buried under a ton of shit like a pearl in a fuckton of manure.  By the time you get to it you stink to high heaven. (more religious language)

So go on Pontius and keep asking


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