Monday, May 17, 2021

more of the same


it took us 1000 years to make it to 275 millions

the next millennium brought us to 6 billion

when I was born there was 2.8 billion people on earth

now the last 20 years have brought us really close to 8 billion

Numbers all too big for us to handle.

I just past the 2 billion seconds and it would take 4 times that roughly 260 years to count all the people on earth now (at one per second) , 

thing is by the time we would be done most of them would be gone and we'd probably need another 100 years to count the next 3 billion.

Now that is JUST counting them at 1 a second. 

Deciphering all their delusions and lies they've been told and mythologies would need Laplace's Demon to compute it all out.

so basically we just are an exponential entropic ginormous MESS. :)

I have often express the foolish desire to know it all, to understand it all but all I understand is that our puny simian brain will never be able to comprehend it all or just even to comprehend a microscopic part of it.

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